副管理员 原力2023
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-6
在线时间2731 小时
副管理员 原力2023
Murder Most Foul
Once you've done all you want to do, time to start the investigation. Talk
to Panar in the gang's side room. Ask about the murder, then follow that up
with questions about Dhagon and the "reason why Dhagon Ghent would kill
Sullio." (250 XP)
Go talk to Nikko next. Mention what you heard from Panar to Nikko, and he
denies that to be the case. Why, they were good friends. Keep asking
questions about the murder. Where did he find the body. Once Mandalore tells
you to look outside, you're done with Nikko. (500 XP)
Go outside, turn right and go to the garbage pile. Select it, but there's
nothing there. Just behind that, however, is a broken serving droid. Hmmm...
(250 XP) Back to the Cantina, and talk to Nikko about this droid. He doesn't
offer you much. Talk to Panar about the droid, and he mentions 1B-8D sells
droid parts that are scavenged. (250 XP)
Outside again, and go straight ahead to find the droid, 1B-8D. Ask about
parts from Bahima's droids, then buy the parts for 25 credits. (250 XP)
Back to the Cantina, and talk to Kiph, give him the remnants of the droid
and watch the final feed. It's not terribly informative. (250 XP)
Now show it to Nikko, he believes that this counts as conclusive evidence
and takes you over to see Captain Riiken. No matter what you say with him and
his superior, you and Nikko get things done, Dhagon Ghent is a free man.
Riiken will start patrolling the Western Square himself, if you are doing
Anda's SIDEQUEST to remove the captains.
Dhagon Ghent has no real answers to anything except getting you into the
palace. But for that he needs his Discs back from Bakkel's gang, who are in
the Cantina. (1500 XP, random lightsaber)
Prepare for a fight, head to the Cantina, first room on the right side, and
talk to Bakkel. This is just about the shortest conversation ever, she
attacks almost immediately. Clear the room. Be sure to search her body for:
Encrypted Holodisks (Dhagon needs these)
Open Starport Visa (just about everyone wants these) |