外环星域 原力1
共和国币0 注册时间2012-7-26
在线时间11 小时
外环星域 原力1
Emperor Palpatine
Well, well, well, fancy yourself a bit of a rat-bastard do we? You are the most charismatic of the Sith, well, at least until you got your face burned. You are manipulative and cunning, and your arrogance can be kept in check. Unfortunately, no one else but you can handle the amount of evil stored in that dark heart of yours, so eventually your apprentice can’t handle it and kicks your ass. Oops. Want some irony? You killed your master, and your apprentice killed you. Oh, you are also a nice parallel with Hitler, you’re just missing a moustache.
额。。。这是什么情况 |