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[电影] 太空哈姆雷特——亚历克·吉尼斯(来自Wikipedia的资料翻译)











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Sir Alec Guinness, CH, CBE (2 April 1914 – 5 August 2000) was an Academy Award winning English actor.

Early years

Guinness was born at 155 Lauderdale Mansions South, Lauderdale Road in Maida Vale, London as Alec Guinness de Cuffe. Under the column for name (where the first names only are usually stated) his birth certificate says 'Alec Guinness'. There is nothing written in the column for name and surname of father. In the column for mother's name is written 'Agnes de Cuffe'. On this basis it has been frequently speculated that the actor's father was a member of the Irish Guinness family. However, his benefactor was a Scottish banker named Andrew Geddes, and the similarity of his name to the name written on the actor's birth certificate ('Alec Guinness') may be a subtle reference to the identity of the actor's father. From 1875, English law required both the presence and consent of the father when the birth of an illegitimate child was registered in order for his name to be put on the certificate. His mother's maiden name was Agnes Cuff (born 8 December 1890), daughter of Edward Cuff and wife Mary Ann Cuff Benfield. She would later marry a shell shocked veteran of the Anglo-Irish War who, according to Guinness, hallucinated that his own closets were filled with Sinn Féin gunmen waiting to kill him.
The man who believed he was Alec Guinness' biological father, Andrew Geddes, paid for the actor's private school education, but the two never met and the identity of his father continues to be debated.


Early career and war service

Guinness first worked writing copy for advertising before making his debut at the Albery Theatre in 1936 at the age of 22, playing the role of Osric in John Gielgud's wildly successful production of Hamlet. During this time he worked with many actors and actresses who would become his friends and frequent co-stars in the future, including John Gielgud, Peggy Ashcroft, Anthony Quayle, and Jack Hawkins. An early influence from afar was Stan Laurel, whom Guinness admired.
Guinness continued playing Shakespearean roles throughout his career. In 1937 he played the role of Aumerle in Richard II and Lorenzo in The Merchant of Venice under the direction of John Gielgud. He starred in a 1938 production of Hamlet which won him acclaim on both sides of the Atlantic. He also appeared as Romeo in a production of Romeo and Juliet (1939), Andrew Aguecheek in Twelfth Night and as Exeter in Henry V in 1937, both opposite Laurence Olivier, and Ferdinand in The Tempest, opposite Gielgud as Prospero.
吉尼斯在他的表演生涯中自始至终地坚持扮演莎剧角色。在1937年,他在《理查德二世(Richard II)》中扮演奥莫尔公爵,在约翰•吉尔古德执导的《威尼斯商人(The Merchant of Venice)》中扮演洛伦佐。而在1938出品的《哈姆雷特》中担任的主角则令他获得了大西洋两岸的赞誉。他还在《罗密欧与朱丽叶(Romeo and Juliet)》(1939)中出演罗密欧,1937年扮演了《亨利五世(Henry V)》中的埃克塞特和《第十二夜(Twelfth Night)》的安德鲁•阿古契克,劳伦斯•奥利弗在这两部作品中与之合作。在《暴风雨(The Tempest)》中他则以费迪南德的角色与扮演普洛斯伯龙的吉尔古德联袂登台。
In 1939, he adapted Charles Dickens' novel Great Expectations for the stage, playing the part of Herbert Pocket. The play was a success. One of its viewers was a young British film editor named David Lean, who had Guinness reprise his role in the former's 1946 film adaptation of the play.
1939年,他将查尔斯•狄更斯的小说《远大前程(Great Expectations)》搬上舞台,在其中扮演赫伯特•朴凯特。演出很成功,观众中有一位名叫大卫•里恩的英国剪辑师,他后来请吉尼斯在1946年根据此剧改编的电影中再次担任了这个角色。
Guinness served in the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve in World War II, serving first as a seaman in 1941 and being commissioned the following year.He commanded a landing craft taking part in the invasion of Sicily and Elba and later ferried supplies to the Yugoslav partisans.
During the war, he appeared in Terence Rattigan's West End Play for Bomber Command, Flare Path.
战争期间,他曾在特伦斯•拉迪根的舞台“夜间照明跑道”上的《西区戏剧(West End Play)》中为轰炸机指挥官演出。

舞台上的吉尼斯:(从左至右)《哈姆雷特(Hamlet)》,《理查德二世(Richard II)》(上),《麦克白(Macbeth)》(下),加拿大斯特拉特福德戏剧节上的《理查德三世(Richard III)》中吉尼斯念出第一句台词,以及后台化妆的吉尼斯。

Post-war career

He returned to the Old Vic in 1946 and stayed until 1948, playing Abel Drugger in Ben Jonson's The Alchemist, the Fool in King Lear opposite Laurence Olivier in the title role, DeGuiche in Cyrano de Bergerac opposite Ralph Richardson in the title role, and finally starring in an Old Vic production himself as Shakespeare's Richard II. After leaving the Old Vic, he played Eric Birling in J. B. Priestley's, An Inspector Calls at the New Theatre in October 1946. He also had a success as the Uninvited Guest in the Broadway production of T. S. Eliot's The Cocktail Party (1950, revived at the Edinburgh Festival in 1968), but his second attempt at the title role of Hamlet, this time under his own direction at the New Theatre (1951), proved a major theatrical disaster.
1946年他回到了老维多利亚剧院,一直待到1948年,期间扮演过本•琼森的《炼金术士(The Alchemist)》中的亚伯•德拉格,与劳伦斯•奥利弗在其担任同名主角的《李尔王(King Lear)》中出演弄臣,与拉尔夫•理查德森合作在其担任同名主角的《大鼻子情圣(Cyrano de Bergerac)》中出演德古奇,最终得以亲自在老维多利亚剧院出品的莎剧里担任主角理查德二世。离开老维多利亚剧院后,他于1946年十月在新戏院上演的J•B•普利斯特里作品《检察官来访(An Inspector Calls)》中,扮演埃里克•比尔林。他还在百老汇出品的T•S•艾略特的《鸡尾酒会(The Cocktail Party)》(1950,在1968年的爱丁堡重演)中成功塑造了“不速之客”,然而他在新戏院亲自导演并第二次尝试主演的《哈姆雷特》(1951),却被证明是一次惨重、彻底、戏剧性的失败。
He was initially mainly associated with the Ealing comedies, and particularly for playing eight different characters in Kind Hearts and Coronets. Other films from this period included The Lavender Hill Mob, The Ladykillers, and The Man in the White Suit. In 1952, director Ronald Neame cast Guinness in his first romantic lead role, opposite Petula Clark in The Card.
开始,他总是被和“伊林喜剧”联系在一起,尤其是在其中分饰八角的《仁心与冠冕(Kind Hearts and Coronets)》。在这个时期他的其他电影包括《械劫装甲车(The Lavender Hill Mob)》、《老妇杀手(The Ladykillers)》和《白衣男子(The Man in the White Suit)》。1952年,导演罗纳德•内米安排了他的第一个浪漫爱情片主角,在《卡片(The Card)》中和佩图拉•克拉克演对手戏。
Invited by his friend Tyrone Guthrie to join in the premier season of the Stratford Festival of Canada, Guinness lived for a brief time in Stratford, Ontario. On July 13, 1953, Guinness spoke the first lines of the first play produced by the festival (Shakespeare's Richard III): "Now is the winter of our discontent/Made glorious summer by this sun of York."
应朋友蒂龙•古瑟里希望其参加第一届加拿大斯特拉特福德戏剧节的邀请,吉尼斯在安大略的斯特拉斯特福德小住了一段时间。1953年7月13日,吉尼斯在戏剧节揭幕剧(莎士比亚的《理查德三世(Richard III)》)中念出了首句台词:“如今约克之子把我们讨厌的冬天变成了灿烂的夏天。”
Guinness won particular acclaim for his work with director David Lean. After appearing in Lean's Great Expectations and Oliver Twist, he was given a starring role opposite William Holden in The Bridge on the River Kwai. For his performance as Colonel Nicholson, the unyielding British POW leader, Guinness won an Academy Award for Best Actor. Despite a difficult and often hostile relationship, Lean, referring to Guinness as "my good luck charm", continued to cast Guinness in character roles in his later films: Arab leader Prince Feisal in Lawrence of Arabia; the title character's half-brother, Bolshevik leader Yevgraf, in Doctor Zhivago; and Indian mystic Godbole in A Passage to India. He was also offered a role in Lean's adaptation of Ryan's Daughter (1970), but declined.
在与导演大卫•里恩合作的作品中,吉尼斯赢得了特别的赞誉。参演了里恩的《远大前程》和《雾都孤儿(Oliver Twist)》后,他获得了《桂河大桥(The Bridge on the River Kwai)》中与威廉•霍尔登联合主演的角色。凭借对不屈的英国战俘领袖尼科尔森上校这个角色的演绎,吉尼斯获得了奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。尽管与吉尼斯关系紧张甚至怀有敌意,里恩还是称吉尼斯为“我的幸运符咒”,并把他接下来几部电影的角色交给他:《阿拉伯的劳伦斯(Lawrence of Arabia)》中的阿拉伯领袖费萨尔亲王;《日瓦戈医生(Doctor Zhivago)》中主人公的同父异母兄弟,布尔什维克领袖叶夫格拉夫;《印度之行(A Passage to India)》中的印度神秘主义者戈博尔。里恩改编的《瑞恩的女儿(Ryan's Daughter)》中也为他提供了一个角色,不过被他辞演了。
Other famous roles of this time period included The Swan (1956) with Grace Kelly in her last film role, The Horse's Mouth (1958) in which Guinness played the part of drunken painter Gulley Jimson as well as contributing the screenplay, for which he was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium, Tunes of Glory (1960), Damn the Defiant! (1962), The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964), The Quiller Memorandum (1966), Marley's Ghost in Scrooge (1970), Charles I of England in Cromwell (1970), and the title role in Hitler: The Last Ten Days (1973) (which he considered his best film performance; critics disagreed ).
他在这段时期的其它著名角色包括与格蕾丝•凯丽在她的最后一部电影《天鹅公主(The Swan)》(1956)中的合作,在《财星高照(The Horse's Mouth)》(1958)中吉尼斯不仅担任了酗酒的画家古莱•吉姆森一角,还对剧本有所贡献,他也因此获得了奥斯卡最佳改编剧本奖的提名,他参演的改编自其它文艺作品的电影还有《鼓笛震军魂 (Tunes of Glory )》 (1960),《舰队喋血记(Damn the Defiant!) 》 (1962),《罗马帝国沦亡录 The Fall of the Roman Empire》 (1964),《谍海群英会 (The Quiller Memorandum)》 (1966),以及《小气财神 (Scrooge) 》 (1970)中的马利的鬼魂,《镇国大将军( Cromwell )》 (1970)中的英王查尔斯一世和《希特勒的最后日子(Hitler: The Last Ten Days )》 (1973)中的同名主角(这是他自以为最好的电影表演,可惜评论家们不这么认为。)
He won a Tony Award for his Broadway triumph as poet Dylan Thomas in Dylan. He followed this success by playing the title role in Macbeth opposite Simone Signoret at the Royal Court Theatre in 1966, one of the most conspicuous failures of his career.
From the 1970s, Guinness made regular television appearances, including the part of George Smiley in the serializations of two novels by John le Carré: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and Smiley's People. Le Carré was so impressed by Guinness's performance as Smiley that he based his characterization of Smiley in subsequent novels on Guinness. One of his last appearances was in the acclaimed BBC drama Eskimo Day.
从1970年代开始,吉尼斯定期出现在电视节目中,包括扮演改编自约翰•勒卡雷的两部小说《锅匠、裁缝、士兵、间谍(Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy)》和《史迈利的下属(Smiley's People)》的系列剧中的乔治•史迈利一角。勒卡雷对吉尼斯扮演的史迈利印象深刻,以致在随后的小说中参考了吉尼斯对史迈利的塑造。备受好评的BBC戏剧《爱斯基摩之日(Eskimo Day)》他最后的演出之一。
Guinness received his fifth Oscar nomination for his performance in Charles Dickens' Little Dorrit in 1989. He received an honorary Oscar in 1980 "for advancing the art of screen acting through a host of memorable and distinguished performances."
在1989年上映的查尔斯•狄更斯小说改编电影《小杜丽(Little Dorrit)》中的表演使吉尼斯收获了最后一个奥斯卡提名。1980年,他获得了奥斯卡终生成就奖,以表彰他“用众多难忘的卓越表演为电影艺术带来的进步。”

吉尼斯的“伊林戏剧”:(由左至右)《械劫装甲车(The Lavender Hill Mob)》、《老妇杀手(The Ladykillers)》,《白衣男子(The Man in the White Suit)》(上),《卡片(The Card)》(下)

吉尼斯在《仁心与冠冕(Kind Hearts and Coronets)》里的男女老少八个角色,不过他们最后都被主角杀了。

单纯的青年赫伯特(《远大前程(Great Expectations)》),猥琐的盗窃团伙头子老法金(《雾都孤儿(Oliver Twist)》),不屈的被俘上校尼克尔森(《桂河大桥(The Bridge on the River Kwai)》),阿拉伯的穆斯林贵族费萨尔(《阿拉伯的劳伦斯(Lawrence of Arabia)》),信仰共产主义的苏联将军叶夫格拉夫(《日瓦戈医生(Doctor Zhivago)》),印度神秘主义学者博戈尔教授(《印度之行(A Passage to India)》),大卫•里恩几乎给与了吉尼斯无限的表演空间。

“里恩时期”的“非里恩”电影:(由左至右)《天鹅公主(The Swan)》(与格蕾丝•凯丽),《镇国大将军( Cromwell )》(上),《鼓笛震军魂 (Tunes of Glory )》(下) ,《罗马帝国沦亡录 The Fall of the Roman Empire》(前方卧床者,居中的女士是索菲亚•罗兰) ,《小气财神 (Scrooge) 》 《希特勒的最后日子(Hitler: The Last Ten Days )》

Star Wars
Guinness' role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the original Star Wars trilogy, beginning in 1977, brought him worldwide recognition by a new generation. Guinness agreed to take the part on the condition that he would not have to do publicity to promote the film. He was also one of the few cast members who believed that the film would be a box office hit and negotiated a deal for two percent of the gross, which made him very wealthy in later life. His role would also result in a Golden Globe Nomination and Academy Award Nomination for Best Supporting Actor.
吉尼斯在从1977年开始上映的《星球大战(Star Wars)》老三部曲中扮演的欧比万•克诺比,为他在新一代人群中取得了世界性的知名度。在不必参加电影宣传的前提下,他才同意接受这个角色。他也是演职员中为数不多坚信这部电影会票房大热并商定了百分之二电影收入分账的人之一,这笔生意令他在晚年变得极其富有。
Despite this, Guinness was never happy with being identified with the part, and expressed dismay at the fan following that the Star Wars trilogy attracted. In the DVD commentary of Star Wars: A New Hope, director George Lucas says that Guinness was not happy with the script re-write in which Obi-Wan is killed. However, Guinness stated in a 1999 interview that it was actually his idea to kill off Obi Wan, persuading Lucas that it would make him a stronger character. Lucas agreed to the idea, but Guinness confided in the interview, "What I didn't tell Lucas was that I just couldn't go on speaking those bloody awful, banal lines. I'd had enough of the mumbo jumbo." He continued by saying that he "shrivelled up" every time Star Wars was mentioned to him. Despite his dislike, fellow cast members Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Anthony Daniels, and Carrie Fisher (as well as Lucas) have spoken highly of his courtesy and professionalism on and off the set, wherein he did not let his distaste for the material show to his co-stars. Lucas credited him with inspiring fellow cast and crew to work harder, saying he was instrumental in helping to complete filming of the movies.
Guinness was quoted as saying that the royalties he obtained from working on the films gave him "no complaints; let me leave it by saying I can live for the rest of my life in the reasonably modest way I am now used to, that I have no debts and I can afford to refuse work that doesn't appeal to me". In his autobiography, Blessings In Disguise, Guinness tells an imaginary interviewer "Blessed be Star Wars!", while in the final volume of the book A Positively Final Appearance (1997), he recounts grudgingly giving an autograph to a young fan who claimed to have watched Star Wars over 100 times, on the condition that the fan promised to stop watching the film, because as Guinness put it "this is going to be an ill effect on your life". The fan was stunned at first, but later thanked him. Guinness grew so tired of modern audiences seeming to remember him only for his role of Obi-Wan Kenobi that he would throw away the fan mail he received from Star Wars fans without reading it.
在吉尼斯提到过:他从这几部电影中获得的版税让他觉得“没什么可说的”;“足以令我离开剧组时放话说我能以此在我现在习惯的合理适当的生活方式中度过余生,也就是说我不必举债而且有底气推掉我不感兴趣的工作。”在他的自传《虚伪的祝福(Blessings In Disguise)》中,对一位假想的采访者说道:“祝福《星球大战》!”同时《绝对的谢幕(A Positively Final Appearance)》的最后一卷中,他回忆到自己极不情愿地给一个声称看了100遍《星球大战》的年轻影迷签名,不过他事先要求这个影迷保证不再看这部电影了,因为吉尼斯表示“这会对你的生活产生消极影响”。这个影迷开始大为惊讶,但后来还是感谢了他。吉尼斯对那些看上去只记得他演了欧比万•克诺比的年轻观众及其厌烦,以致会把《星球大战》影迷的来信看都不看就扔掉。


Personal life

Guinness married the artist, playwright, and actress Merula Salaman (1914–2000) in 1938; in 1940, they had a son, Matthew Guinness, who later became an actor.
Guinness consulted Tarot cards for a time, but came to the conclusion that the symbols of the cards mocked Christianity and Christ. He then burned his cards and shortly afterwards converted to Roman Catholicism.
In his biography Alec Guinness: The Unknown, Garry O'Connor reveals that Guinness was arrested and fined 10 guineas for a homosexual act in a public lavatory in Liverpool in 1946. Guinness avoided publicity by giving his name as "Herbert Pocket" to both police and court. The name "Herbert Pocket" was taken from the character in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations that Guinness had played on stage in 1939 and was also about to play in the film adaptation. The incident did not become public knowledge until April 2001, eight months after his death. The authenticity of this incident has been doubted, however, including by Piers Paul Read, Guinness's official biographer, who believes that Guinness was mixed up with John Gielgud, who was infamously arrested for such an act at the same period, though Read nonetheless acknowledges Guinness's bisexuality .
在他的传记《亚历克•吉尼斯:不知名的人(Alec Guinness: The Unknown)》中,加里•奥康纳透露吉尼斯曾在1946年因在公共厕所里的同性恋行为在利物浦被捕并被罚款10畿尼。吉尼斯为了掩人耳目,在警察局和法庭上自称“赫伯特•朴凯特”。“赫伯特•朴凯特”这个名字来源于查尔斯•狄更斯的《远大前程》中的人物,吉尼斯在1939年的舞台剧和之后的改编电影中扮演过这个角色。直到2001年四月,他去世八个月后,这段小插曲才为公之于众。不过此事的真实性受到了来自包括吉尼斯的官方传记作家皮尔斯•保罗•里德的质疑。不过他认为吉尼斯和在因同一时期的同样行为被捕而名声扫地的约翰•吉尔古德有染,而且里德也承认吉尼斯是双性恋者。
While serving in the Royal Navy, Guinness for a while planned to become an Anglican priest. In 1954, however, during the shooting of the film Father Brown, Alec and Merula Guinness were formally received into the Roman Catholic Church. They would remain devout and regular church-goers for the remainder of their lives. Their son Matthew had converted to Catholicism some time earlier. Every morning, Guinness recited a verse from Psalm 143, "Cause me to hear your loving kindness in the morning".
在海军服役期间,吉尼斯一度打算作一名英国圣公会牧师。然而在1954年,拍摄《布朗神父(Father Brown)》时,亚历克和玛鲁拉•吉尼斯被罗马天主教廷正式接纳。在之后的日子里,他们一直是按期常去做礼拜的虔诚教徒。他们的儿子马修在此之前就改信了天主教。每天早晨,吉尼斯要背诵《诗篇第一百四十三(Psalm 143)》中的一节:“求你使我清晨得听你慈爱之言”。



Guinness died on August 5, 2000, from liver cancer, at Midhurst in West Sussex. He had been receiving hospital treatment for glaucoma, and had recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He was interred in Petersfield, Hampshire, England. Merula Sylvia Guinness died of cancer in Petersfield in October 2000, aged 86 and was interred alongside her husband of 62 years.

Encounter with James Dean

On Friday, September 23, 1955, Guinness was at the Villa Capri restaurant in Los Angeles, and found no table available. The actor James Dean, then filming Giant, invited Guinness to sit at his table. During lunch, Dean talked about his new car, a Porsche 550 Spyder. On leaving the restaurant, Dean insisted on showing off the car to Guinness, who said "Please never get in it. If you do, you will be dead within a week." Dean died in a crash in the Porsche the following Friday, September 30.
1955年九月23日星期五,吉尼斯在洛杉矶的卡普里别墅酒店找不到空座了。当时正在拍电影《巨人(Giant)》的詹姆斯•迪恩邀请吉尼斯在他的餐桌旁就坐。吃午餐时,迪恩谈起了他的新车——一辆保时捷 550 Spyder。离开时,迪恩坚持要给吉尼斯展示这辆车,吉尼斯说:“请别上这辆车。否则你会在一周之内身亡。”九月30日,也就是下一个星期五,迪恩在一次车祸中死在了这辆保时捷里。

Awards and honours

Guinness won the Academy Award as Best Actor in 1957 for his role in Bridge on the River Kwai. He was nominated in 1958 for his screenplay adapted from Joyce Cary's novel The Horse's Mouth and for Best Supporting Actor for his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in 1977. He also received an Academy Honorary Award for lifetime achievement in 1980. In 1988, he received an Academy Award Nomination for Best Supporting Actor for Little Dorrit.
He was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 1955, and was knighted in 1959. In 1991, Guinness received an Honorary Doctorate from Cambridge University.Three years later, he was bestowed the title of Companion of Honour at the age of 80.
He has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 1559 Vine Street.



Guinness wrote three volumes of a bestselling autobiography, beginning with Blessings in Disguise in 1985, followed by My Name Escapes Me in 1996, and A Positively Final Appearance in 1999. His authorised biography was written by his close friend, British novelist Piers Paul Read. It was published in 2003.
吉尼斯撰写了三卷畅销的自传,1985年的《虚伪的祝福》打头,接着是1996年的《忘我(My Name Escapes Me)》和1999年的《绝对的谢幕》。他的密友,英国小说家皮尔斯•保罗•里德撰写的授权传记在2003年出版。

吉尼斯的自传:(从左至右)《虚伪的祝福(Blessings In Disguise)》,《忘我(My Name Escapes Me)》,《绝对的谢幕(A Positively Final Appearance)》

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