管理员 原力10793
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5821 小时
管理员 原力10793
Reath Silas 里思·赛拉斯

Reath Silas is a skillful Padawan who has had a somewhat privileged apprenticeship; his master, the great Jora Malli, is a member of the Jedi Council. Reath has spent a great deal of time on Coruscant in elevated diplomatic meetings, and prefers books and studying to the thrills and dangers of real adventure, which makes him reluctant to leave the familiar comforts of Coruscant for the frontier. Facing the great unknowns of the frontier will put Reath to the test, and he will learn what he is really made of.
里思·赛拉斯是一位技艺娴熟的绝地学徒,而且享有一点特权,因为他的师父是伟大的绝地委员会成员,乔拉·马利。里思将大把时间花在科洛桑上,参加高高在上的外交会谈。他更喜欢读书学习,而不是惊险刺激的真正冒险。所以他不太情愿前往边疆,离开熟悉的科洛桑舒适环境。直面边疆的伟大未知对他来说是个考验。他将了解自己到底是怎样的人。 |