管理员 原力10562
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5802 小时
管理员 原力10562
Imara Vex 伊马拉·韦克斯
Imara Vex’s reputation is already top-notch: she’s the real deal. This professional bounty hunter cuts a striking and intimidating figure in her signature mask. Using the show as a side gig to showcase her talents to prospective clients, Vex's personal and social life is a deliberately-woven mystery. She refuses to talk about herself and doesn't let people in. In her line of work, attachments can complicate things — you never know what or who your next job might be: the less you know about someone personally, the less objection you might have to doing what's necessary. And the less they know about you, the less they can use against you. That's Imara's strict and bold bottom line.
伊马拉·韦克斯大名鼎鼎、出类拔萃。这名职业赏金猎人戴着她标志性的面具,引人瞩目,让人望而生畏。她把角斗当成副业,向潜在客户展示才能。她的个人生活与社会关系是一个精心编织的谜。她拒绝谈论自己,不让别人走近。在她这个行当,亲密关系会把事情变复杂——你永远不知道下一份工作可能涉及什么事或什么人:你私下里对别人了解越少,你做必要事情时碰到的阻力就越小。别人越不了解你,就越没有东西来对付你。这是伊马拉严格遵守的清晰底线。 |