管理员 原力10562
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5802 小时
管理员 原力10562
Rieve 里夫
Malicious and feared, this dark side warrior channels the power of the Force to crush her opponents beneath her heel. Filled with a reckless but powerful rage, Rieve lashes out at the other Hunters with her lightsaber with a vicious joy. This young fighter radiates danger, always keeping her opponents off-balance, but there’s a dark charisma that simultaneously draws you in.
里夫是一名恶毒而可怕的黑暗面战士,用原力践踏着脚下的对手。她的怒火强大而不计后果。她带着邪恶的喜悦,用光剑猛攻其他猎人。这名年轻的战士散发着危险的气息,总是把她的对手打得措手不及。但同时,她的黑暗魅力很吸引人。 |