超级版主 原力735
共和国币0 注册时间2009-2-10
在线时间1277 小时
超级版主 原力735
本帖最后由 August 于 2010-3-21 09:17 编辑
·Lt. Divo's face was specifically designed to be asymmetrical, unlike most faces in the series.
·Mon Mothma, a character seen in Episodes III and VI of the live action movie series, was produced as an animation model for this episode, though the air order of The Clone Wars had her appear in "Duchess of Mandalore" (episode 214) first.
·When the Senate Guards first appeared in Season One, they had their capes removed to avoid the costly cloth simulation required to animate them. Caped and plumed guards were developed first for this episode.
·Though too small to read, the bottle that the Senators drink from has a label that reads "Domaine de la Maison sur le Lac: Produce of Naboo"
·虽然太小了,无法辨认,但议员们喝的酒瓶上有一张标签,上写“Domaine de la Maison sur le Lac:Produce of Naboo”(法语:湖畔别墅区:纳布产)。
出处:http://www.starwars.com/theclonewars/guide/episode215.html |