外环星域 原力59
共和国币0 注册时间2009-5-19
在线时间829 小时
外环星域 原力59
本帖最后由 old2cn 于 2010-2-24 13:18 编辑
Mandalorian sergeant。来自曼达洛套装,后面的人物介绍是根据包装盒后的描述,按中文的表述方式意译而来。随附原文,恳请各位大牛指正
A secret army of clone troopers is being engineered on Kamino, created from the genes of Jango Fett, a Mandalorian whose combat skills are exceptional even among the great Mandalorian warrior society. Special clones are created to command these soldiers, but they must be trained to become leaders. Fett seeks out the very best Mandalorian warriors from every corner of the galaxy. These sergeants will train the commandos to fight and lead, and instill in them the Mandalorian values of iron discipline and loyalty.
Dred Priest
Dred relishes the challenge of creating elite soldiers. Chosen by Jango to be a training sergeant on Kamino, he forms a secret battle circle among his fellow sergeants, in which they "practice" their training techniques in brutal competitions.
Isabet Reau
Isabet is eager to train the clones in the ways of her people, from their battle tactics to their cultural beliefs, so that the greatness of the Mandalorian people will once again sweep across the galaxy with all its power and glory.
Llats Ward
Everything in the life of Llats revolves around battle and war. He has studied and memorized the campaigns of all the great Mandalorian leaders of the past, and uses these as lessons to enhance the clone troopers' fighting skills.
Rav Bralor
Rav is a sharpened battle instrument, attacking with surgical precision and stunning efficiency. Jango handpicks her to assist in the training of the clone commandos, where she hammers their independent natures into razor-edged power.
Mij Gilamar
Mij is one of the Mandalorians chosen to train the clones on Kamino. He is a natural leader and a skilled warrior who can instill in the clones an unyielding commitment to protect the ideals to which they have sworn their allegiance.
B'arin Apma
Brotherhood, stamina, loyalty. These are three pillars upon which B'arin rests his entire life. These are also the three main tenets that he drills into the clone troopers he trains - as essential to a superior solider as marksmanship and courage.
ARC Squard,按照国际流行的突击班12人的编制组建。
A-17 Alpha,Tipoca城训练基地的首席教官,多位克隆军队中的著名指挥官均接受过他的培训和命名。
黄色涂装的ARC Commander。战斗序号、姓名、军衔不明。按照一代甲涂装规则其军衔应高于A-17。但谁让我不知道他名字呢?让他当Alpha的副官好了。装备Westar-M5突击步枪。
红色涂装的ARC Captains。装备Westar-M5突击步枪和DC-17连射型爆能手枪。发现M5的枪带实在碍事,搞得很多动作都做不出来
蓝色涂装的ARC Lieutenants。大部分ARC士兵应该都是这个军衔吧?我猜的。再次鄙视M5的枪带
重炮手Heavy Gunners,装备四联装往复式爆能炮
貌似ARC还缺The Hunt for Grievous里的Frodo、装备Z-6转管爆能加农炮的重炮手。白色灰肩和蓝色灰肩的几款,请指正。
接下来是Republic Commando
H社的介绍是RC-8015 Fi Skirata,不过我同意兵人柜子兄的观点,更像是RC-1309 Niner。散货,腰很松,上了点501,现在背板笔直
Omega Squard,来自曼达洛套装
RC-1309 Niner, Omega-09,队长。
RC-1136 Darman, Omega-36,爆破手(火力手?)。
RC-3222 Atin, Omega-22,通讯及电子战专家
RC-8015 Fi Skirata, Omega-15,小队狙击手及医务兵