管理员 原力10562
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5802 小时
管理员 原力10562
Mygeeto 麦基托
Crystallized glaciers
InterGalactic Banking Clan
A frigid world of crystallized ice, Mygeeto was a major holding of the InterGalactic Banking Clan that became a battle site during the Outer Rim Sieges of the Clone Wars. General and Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi and Commander Bacara led the Galactic Marine clone troopers in extended urban fighting amid the ultramodern towers of a major Mygeeto city. The blistering cannonades and laserfire of towering Separatists tri-droids and Republic artillery carriers reduced much of the city and crystalline landscape into rubble, polluting the icy winds with a persistent pall of gray ash.
During a concentrated Republic push to rout the Separatists, Order 66 was enacted on Coruscant. Ki-Adi-Mundi was targeted by his clone forces, branded a traitor by the Chancellor of Republic. He was killed in a hail of blaster bolts.
In the ancient trade language of the Muuns, Mygeeto means "gem." It's a fitting name for the glittering world, perennially locked in ice age and covered in crystallized glaciation. Its internal fires have long cooled, and the geologically dormant world has left a trove of precious stones within its crust and mantle. The enormous nova crystal deposits and fields of lasing crystals have made it one of the most valuable worlds in the galaxy. The Jedi had longed to explore the world for crystals suitable for lightsaber use, but since its discovery, Mygeeto had been firmly in the hold of the InterGalactic Banking Clan.
The gaunt Muun bankers jealously guarded their world with an intimidating blockade of frigates and cruisers. Daring accounts of raiding the crystal caves of Mygeeto became the stuff of cantina tall tales throughout the galaxy. If a thief was foolhardy enough to somehow penetrate the screen of defensive ships, he still had to contend with a planet that was mostly wasteland. If the harsh winds and jagged surface weren't discouraging enough, burrowing through the planet's ice shelves were enormous worms with voracious appetites and ill tempers.
The few Mygeeto cities that dot the reflective surface are sunken into the crystalline surface. Drawing power by synthesizing specific crystal breeds, the cities are built around enormous capacitor towers that store and distribute energy. The cities serve to administer the crystal mines, but also are vaults for the Banking Clan's most security-conscience clients. As home to the Confederacy's deepest coffers, Mygeeto became a prime target during the Outer Rim Sieges.
General Ki-Adi-Mundi led the Republic assault on Mygeeto, serving with the Commander Bacara and his Galactic Marines. In the final phases of that extended campaign, Ki-Adi-Mundi was surprised to see his forces supplemented by a special 501st mission, dispatched specifically by Chancellor Palpatine. Though the Jedi general was wary of the circumstances, Bacara vouched for the unorthodox chain of command that saw the 501st ever mobile during the Outer Rim Sieges.
The 501st operated outside of Ki-Adi-Mundi's command structure on a mission to eliminate a droid energy collector. At least, that's how the orders read. In truth, the elite troopers were really seeking out an experimental Mygeetan power source that the Chancellor required for a top-secret tributary laser-stream project code-named Hammertong.
Mygeeto was one of the first planets envisioned for a proposed "Clone Wars montage" that was to start Episode III in the early drafts of the story. The first paintings by Concept Design Co-Supervisor Erik Tiemens emphasized a turquoise color palette, giving Mygeeto a self-illuminated brightness. As the story developed, the world was envisioned as a Banking Clan planet, and the technological designs of the world followed in the thin elegance of the bankers. Concept art showcased "fresnel" type designs, with layered crystalline filaments suggesting old-style electronics.
在《第三部》的早期故事剧本中,有人提出拍摄一段“克隆人战争蒙太奇”,麦基托便是其中第一批被设想出来的星球之一。构思设计副总监埃里克·蒂门斯在其最初绘制的作品中强调了一种绿宝石色调,使麦基托带有自我发光的色泽。随着剧本的进一步完善,麦基托被设定为银行业集团的星球,其技术构思也开始遵循缪恩人银行家以瘦为美的风格。概念画展示出种种“菲涅耳”式的设计,层层叠叠的水晶丝令人联想到旧式的电子产品。 |