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[电视] 【幕后】一个致命的新敌人在本季最后一幕中森然亮相









发表于 2009-3-19 17:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 August 于 2010-1-8 19:32 编辑

(The Chilling Season Finale Introduces a Deadly New Enemy)


The heroes of the Republic have repeatedly beaten back the assaults orchestrated by the evil Separatist forces, but an entirely new threat -- lethal mercenary Cad Bane -- will emerge from the shadows in "Hostage Crisis," the thrilling conclusion to the first season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, airing at 9 p.m. ET/PT Friday, March 20 on Cartoon Network.
邪恶的分离主义军队精心策划的一次次袭击,被共和国的英雄们彻底粉碎。但一个全新的威胁——致命的雇佣兵Cad Bane——将在《人质危机》中,从阴暗的角落浮现。《星球大战:克隆人战争》第一季的这一惊悚结局,将于东部/太平洋时间3月20日晚9点在卡通频道播出。

Count Dooku seeks to spring a Separatist prisoner from Republic captivity, but his profile prevents him from getting close enough to set in motion his malevolent plan.

Enter Cad Bane, the galaxy's most fearsome bounty hunter, as ruthless as he is deadly. He is quintessentially cold, cruel and calculating -- and when the price is right, he can't be stopped. Backed by Dooku and the Separatists, he's bringing his unique skill set and impressive arsenal to bear against the very heart of the Republic. Bane brazenly brings the fight to the Senate's doorstep, with a rogues gallery of galactic scum as his allies.
于是Cad Bane应邀而至,这个银河系中最可怕的赏金猎人,是个杀人不眨眼的危险人物。他是个极度冷酷、残忍、诡计多端的人——只要酬金合理,他就不达目的绝不罢休。在杜库和分离主义分子的支持下,他用自己绝佳的技术以及精锐的武器装备,袭击了共和国的心脏。Bane纠集了一伙银河的人渣和罪犯,悍然将战火烧至议院大门口。

"This episode gave us the chance to do something totally different, to go in a new direction with the series," says supervising director Dave Filoni. "We've seen the good guys and the bad guys, from the top of the food chain to the cannon fodder on the front lines. Now we get to look at some of the opportunists, at the mercenaries operating without a side. It's a whole new dynamic we haven't seen yet, and at the same time it's very Star Wars."
“这一集给了我们一个机会,来做一些完全不同的事,将这个系列带向一个新的方向,”总监Dave Filoni说,“我们已经看见了各种好人与坏人,从“食物链”顶端的人到前线的炮灰。现在我们可以看看一些不属于任何一方的收钱办事的机会主义者。这是一个我们还从来没有见过的全新动力,但同时又是非常星战式的。”

Patterned after the laconic gunslingers of spaghetti Westerns, Bane is lethally cool and relishes being a bad guy. He is unflappable in the face of danger, and even welcomes the opportunity to pit his formidable skills against the legendary prowess of the Jedi Knights. Filoni says the inspiration from the red-eyed bounty hunter came directly from George Lucas.

"He had a clear idea for this bad guy who plays by his own set of rules, whose moral code is dictated by his fee," says Filoni. "And he had sketches and concepts dating back to the original films. If Boba Fett was sort of the Man With No Name of the Star Wars galaxy, then Cad Bane is his counterpoint -- his Lee Van Cleef. So that's how we built the character, with that in mind. It's a cool parallel to our world, and a cool balance in theirs."
“对于这个以自己的一套规矩行事,其道德准则由赏金支配的反派,他(卢卡斯)有清晰的概念。”Filoni说,“早在原三部曲年代就有他的草图和概念图。如果说博巴•费特是《星战》银河里的无名男子,那么Cad Bane就是他的对应面——就是他的Lee Van Cleef(五六十年代好莱坞最为著名的性格演员之一,擅长在西部片中饰演反面角色)。因此,我们就是这样塑造这个角色的。这是我们世界里一条很酷的平行线,也是他们之间一个很酷的平衡关系。”

Making his Star Wars: The Clone Wars debut in Friday's season finale, Bane has already established a place as a fan-favorite -- among the series' creators and crew.

"The crew loves Cad Bane, and I really think the fans will, too," says episode director Giancarlo Volpe. "He brings a serious bad-ass sensibility to Star Wars. He's a lethal and ruthless bounty hunter, and you see that right away in the episode. Unlike Boba Fett, Cad doesn't take prisoners."
“工作人员都爱Cad Bane,因此我的确认为影迷们也会喜欢他的,”本集导演Giancarlo Volpe说,“他给《星球大战》带来一种真正反派的感觉。他是一个致命而残忍的赏金猎人,你马上就能在这一集里看到这一点。和波巴•费特不同,Cad从来不留活口。”





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