外环星域 原力0
共和国币0 注册时间2012-10-29
在线时间32 小时
外环星域 原力0
本帖最后由 creuzoi 于 2013-2-21 17:05 编辑
“Darth Maul, Darth Tyranus, Darth Vader. Each useful in his own way. Each easy to replace when his purpose has reached its end.”感觉就是把他们当纯粹工具了,所以我赞成LZ,他把小马哥日记给维德只是希望他为自己更好服务,倒并不是真正对徒弟的人道主义关怀。西斯之书里,感觉PPT的基本是把自己当实现西斯的终极目标然后无人可以取代的存在(最后一页他说Yet is clear that the Sith'ari could be no other than me.还有155页他说As Darth Bane instituted the Rule of Two, so I will begin the Rule of One. The Sith will now be sustained by one-one to hold the power and others, talented in the Forece, to execute my will as dark side agents.
),他没有传承的意思,只在乎维持自己的存在。 |