版主 原力183
共和国币0 注册时间2009-6-30
在线时间407 小时
版主 原力183
假如卢卡斯没把这便当截下转发,杰森·索洛便当而阿纳金小弟活的话——那会不会变成阿纳金·索洛,跟老哥的恋人特内尔·卡发生恋情 ?
所以假设下,原设定会否是阿纳金·索洛,跟特内尔·卡发生恋情 ?)
Shelly Shapiro, one of the chief architects of The New Jedi OrderDark Horse Comics, which had been contracted to publish Star Wars comics since 1991,conceived of the idea of an "Invasion" storyline rocking the galaxy, and began to plant the seeds of the eventual story by introducing the character of Nom Anor, who appeared as an advance agent of what would eventually become the invading forces in the first issue of Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood, released in November 1998.Following the conception of Anor's character, planning meetings were held at Skywalker Ranch to discuss what would eventually become The New Jedi Order. Attendants at the meetings included lucas Licensing Executiveeditor Sue Rostoni, Del Rey Editor at Large Shelly Shapiro, lucasfilm Director of Publishing Lucy Autrey Wilson, Dark Horse Vice President of Publishingrandy Stradley,and several of the authors who were already onboard,including Michael A. Stackpole,James Luceno,and several comic book authors.Stradley suggested the invasion idea, and it quickly became the premise of the series. The invaders were conceived of as being dark Force-users.
As many of the novels published under Bantam Spectra had dealt with the New Republic's continuing war against the Empire, it was decided to introduce a newer, larger, and meaner threat. Shapiro had often heard fans complain that nothing significant happened to any primary character in the novels published by Bantam, and that the galaxy far, far away had grown too safe for the heroes, preventing any serious drama from occurring. In the NJO's initial planning sessions, ideas were brainstormed concerning what kind of crisis the characters would face, and everyone present agreed that it was necessary to shake things up by killing a previously "invincible" character. The death of Luke Skywalker was proposed, but the idea was vetoed by George lucas himself; lucas also indicated that C-3PO and R2-D2 were off-limits. It was felt that killing Han Solo, Princess Leia, or Lando Calrissian would not have the dramatic impact that the planning team was looking for, which prompted Stradley to suggest Chewbacca, who, despite being a fan-favorite character, had rarely significantly contributed to a novel's plot; Stradley referred to him as the "quintessential supporting character." It was felt that the death of a previously untouchable character would give the series its needed emotional impact, but putting Chewbacca on the chopping block was not an easy decision on the part of the creative team, causing many tears to be shed.Once the final decision was made, Chewbacca's death was approved by George lucas.
Randy Stradley initially conceived of an "Invasion" storyline, and later suggested that Chewbacca be killed.It was also decided during the initial planning stages that a new generation of characters would play a large part in the series.The role of the older generation would remain as important, however—Shapiro indicated that one of the stimuli for the series had been that Bantam authors had been unable to develop Han Solo's character. As such, the two generations would starand develop in tandem. At the time, the twin offspring of Han and Leia, Jacen and Jaina Solo, were being developed as Jedi-in-training within the pages of the Young Jedi Knights young reader books,and the youngest Solo childanakin, had recently starred in his own young reader books, the Junior Jedi Knights series.Anakin was slated to be the hero of the NJO, and it was decided that Jacen would die midway through its run. However, lucas stepped in again, worried that Anakin's heroic story would too closely parallel the story of his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker,which was to be told in the forthcoming Star Wars prequel trilogy.Thus, the roles of the Solo brothers were swapped.
lucas also dictated that the villains could not be Force-users, and, at that point, ceased his involvement with the series. The planning team then constructed a rough outline of the plot direction of the NJO, and began to choose more authors, some of whom were suggested by Shapiro, and some by lucas Licensing and subsequently approved by her. The planning team had a general idea of how the series would end, but intended the NJO to be an organic and adaptive series, open to new directions and not carved in stone.James Luceno began to write a "series bible" that would coordinate all of the story arcs and function as a database for new characters and continuity. A continuity team was formed that included Luceno and Daniel Wallace,who expanded the galaxy map and began keeping track of new Jedi introduced in the series. They encouraged authors to re-use Jedi in later books rather than inventing new ones. Throughout the series' run, lucasfilm Ltd. supervised the NJO's production much more closely than they had the Bantam-issued novels.
The series' villains were eventually developed into the Yuuzhan Vong, an extra-galactic race of religious zealots bent on conquering the galaxy. The name "Yuuzhan Vong" was derived from a French-Thai restaurant in New York City where several members of the planning team were eating. A peace treaty with the remnants of the Empire, and the seeds of an alien invasion plotline, were laid in 1998's Vision of the Future, a novel by Timothy Zahn published under Bantam's contract. |