The PK droid is a model of general work droid programmed for menial labor and simple tasks. These chromed droids are small and compact, with a shuffling gait that makes them appear like small humanoid children. The elongated PK heads are equipped with rudimentary sensors. The Trade Federation keeps a large number of PK units aboard their battleships.
Droid manufacturing giant Cybot Galactica has built PK units for centuries, making them one of the most common droids in the galaxy. These units are very affordable (under 1,000 credits retail), have efficient internal batteries that can go a long time between recharge breaks, and are made to withstand radiation and temperature extremes.
A humorous scene involving the droids PK-4 and EG-9, two Trade Federation workers with pointed opinions of "useless protocol gearhead" droids, was scripted but ultimately left out of Episode I.