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[电视] 【访谈】《克隆人战争》——第四季回顾









发表于 2012-9-23 19:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这是我截止目前为止翻过的篇幅最长、耗时最久(半年不知道有没有,汗)的一篇访谈了,翻到最后我都快吐了 。而且眼见着第五季播出在即,所以后面就越翻越潦草,也不求仔细校对了,大家就将就看吧-_-


Continue to Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Looking Back at Season 4

Clone Wars' supervising director, Dave Filoni, goes into detail about Darth Maul, Boba Fett, Asajj Ventress and more - and hints at what's to come in Season 5.

作者:Eric Goldman        2012年3月21日

Star Wars: The Clone Wars just ended Season 4, wrapping up an intense year for the series, which saw big changes for characters like Captain Rex and Asajj Ventress, some of the show's darkest material yet and the debut of some very notable characters – topped off by Darth Maul making his return.

With the season over, I spoke to The Clone Wars' main creative force (no pun intended), supervising director Dave Filoni, for an in-depth conversation about everything that occurred in Season 4, going through each story arc. Our conversation ended up lasting an hour, as Filoni got into the specifics of how and why certain plot points came to be – and, yes, gave me some very intriguing hints of what the future holds for the show, with Season 5 set to begin this fall.


IGN: Looking back at the beginning of this season, you started with the Mon Calamari arc, and I feel like Riff Tamson was a sign of things to come as far as the increasingly edgy, dark material on the show - both with what Riff did to others and how Riff came to an end, with his head getting blown off.
IGN:回顾本季的开头,你以Mon Calamari三部曲为开篇,我觉得就目前为止这个剧集越来越紧张、越来越黑暗的元素而言,Riff Tamson就象即将来临的事物的一个预兆——鉴于Riff对其他人所做的事以及他自己的结局:他的头被炸掉了。

I think that there's been a kind of rising intensity on the show generally, and it goes for all manner of the villains. I think there's always this thing with animation where you're trying to get the broader audience in the United States, kind of just grab onto it and say, "It doesn't matter that it's animated. It's just storytelling." And that's a pretty big challenge, you know, that we're not just kids' fare. And I think some of that is a bit of a reaction to that. So you have a little more intensity that you might see on a normal TV show. Frankly, you wouldn't really think much of in a sci-fi, normal television. Because then the shark guy in CG or a costume seems a bit extreme and outlandish. So it's not, I think in some ways, as vivid and graphic. But in the animated world, it all kind of seems, "Wow, that's intense." It's like killing Roy Fokker in Robotech. It was like, "Oh my gosh! They killed someone. That's out of control!" So it's just a way to make you feel like there are real things at stake and that the war is reaching a point where it's not just this adventure anymore, that it's really battle lines that have been drawn and people are paying the price. At the beginning of Revenge of the Sith, there are heroes on both sides. It's often easy to see someone like Riff Tamson as simply the villain, but we don't know what situation he's fighting for for the Separatists. Why is he there? We don't get into that, but I think it's good to have that more challenging intensity at times.
费洛尼:我认为这个剧集里的紧张感在普遍增强,而这适用于所有反派。我想做动画片的总会有这样的事,你努力想在美国扩大观众面,执着于此并且说:“没关系,这是动画片。这只是在讲故事。”而这是项相当巨大的挑战,你知道,我们不仅仅是孩子们的粮食。我想这对此也有点反作用力。所以你看到的激烈程度比你在一个普通电视节目可能见到的还要更强一点。坦率地说,在一个科幻剧、普通电视剧里你不会真的去想太多。因为那个CG制作或是穿着戏服扮出来的鲨鱼人看上去有点极端而古怪。所以我认为从某些方面来讲,这并不是同样地鲜明生动。不过在动画世界里,这差不多看上去都是:“喔,真紧张。”就象《太空堡垒》杀了Roy Fokker一样。就好比:“哦我的天啊!他们杀了某人。失控了呀!”所以这只是一种方法,让你感觉到有真正的事物危在旦夕,战争正在触及一个点,战争不再仅仅是一种冒险了,这里是真正的前线,人们正在付出代价。《西斯的复仇》一开始,战斗双方都有英雄。把某个象Riff Tamson这样的家伙看作单纯的反派总是很容易的,不过我们不知道他在分离主义势力里是为什么样的形势而战。他为什么在那里?我们没有对这进行深挖,不过我觉得时不时来点更有挑战性的激烈戏份是件好事。

IGN: In the first four episodes, there was a lot of Gungans…

[Laughs] How about that, huh?

IGN: [Laughs] And there was lots of Jar Jar. Did you just think, "If we're going to do a big Gungans storyline, let's go all in and see what these guys are about"?

There was some pretty big effort by us and George [Lucas] to say that, outside of Jar Jar, the Gungans themselves aren't a goofy group. They're not all tripping over their spears and awkwardly running around. Jar Jar's kind of the anomaly there. They're actually quite efficient warriors. You know, large, amphibious creatures would be pretty daunting to anyone. Though, I think that made them viable as a combatant, even though Jar Jar often times is at the front of the group.

IGN: In "Shadow Warrior," you had the unlikely but fascinating battle of the Gungans versus Grievous. It's in the rain, it's really intense… Was that a lot of fun to approach that and see how that would play out?

Yeah, because that was a huge challenge. I think I've said before how I went back and forth on that one with George several times saying, "Wow, if we do this to Grievous, I think that's going to be a big, big loss for him. His credibility's going to go down." You know, we argued about it back and forth several times trying to figure out was that going to be the best move. George was always pretty resolute that it was going to be fine, and he talked with me through how we could achieve it. And I thought, "Well, if we're going to take him out, then we have to lose something pretty big on the good guys' side to make the sacrifice seem pretty meaningful." So we had to take out Tarpals, which is pretty sad actually. He's a likable Gungan for sure. But I think it also, in a way, lends to Jar Jar's character that he sees this all go down and that he witnesses it, that he kind of grows from the experience of watching this dramatic battle. Jar Jar's character, I think we've been able to do a lot with him on our show. I think that any fan would say that doing several episodes in a series with Jar Jar Binks wouldn't be their number one thing that they would think of doing. And it's more the challenge of having the character and saying, "How can we take him out of just being the fool and developing him in a way where he is a little bit more than that?" Maybe he's a little bit smarter, maybe he cares about things and maybe he's affected by the things in a way that makes you actually care about that character. Like anything, I think that Jar Jar, overtime, I think he grows on you. I think he's part of the Star Wars language -- oddly, in some ways.

IGN: Then you had the couple of episodes about the droids. I specifically want to ask you about "Nomad Droids," which I have described as perhaps the weirdest episode of The Clone Wars.
IGN:接下来是有关机器人的两集。我特别想问问你关于《Nomad Droids》,我曾把这一集描述为可能是《克隆人战争》中最古怪的一集。

Very bizarre.

IGN:I loved it, but it was very bizarre. I mean just some of the stuff: R2 accidentally smushing the king and having that smear across him the rest of the episode; the Wizard of Oz things; and there's suddenly robot pit fighting going on. What was the genesis of that episode and going so out there?

Well, we know the people love the droids. Really, that is the whole genesis of it. George wanted to do this very fantastical tale where we were almost telling a whole story in one act. One act is Lilliput [from Gulliver's Travels], one act is Wizard of Oz. It was a big challenge that way, but kind of a fantastic event. I like the idea of having Commander Wolffe at either end of it, being kind of like, "Oh, I can't believe these guys are here." And I have to say, when they were written and when we were shooting them, I felt like they were the most extreme, blown-out episodes of the old Droids cartoons that have ever been done. They kind of capture that whimsical sense, and it's one of the ways that our show is very different. We're not afraid creatively, and George is obviously the one pushing for it, to kind of make these leaps stylistically and say, "Yeah, but these [episodes] are just going to be fun, and these are going to be weird -- and we know they're weird -- but they're not outside the realm of Star Wars." If we're to accept Luke flying down a trench and hearing a voice, and that's what guides him to reaching his goal and we're all okay with that… Little miniature people tying someone down in a Lilliputian way is too extreme? Probably not. So it was a look at that kind of a wider Star Wars universe; the kind of magic going on with the tree people under the ground on the planet Aleen and the other weird, bizarre problems that are out there besides just the Clone Wars going on. A big departure to be sure, but I think a fun one for the crew.
费洛尼:哦,我们知道人们爱机器人。真的,这就是全部的起源。乔治想要讲这个非常荒诞的故事,我们几乎在一幕里讲了一整个故事的地方 。一集是小人国(出自《格列佛游记》),一集是《绿野仙踪》。那样做是个巨大的挑战,不过也是个有点奇幻的事件。我喜欢让沃尔夫指挥官在两集的结尾处都出现,就好象说:“哦,我不能相信这些家伙会在这儿。”而我不得不说,在他们进行编剧,我们进行拍摄的时候,我觉得这是目前为止拍摄过的老式机器人动画片里最极端、最震撼的两集。它们有点儿抓住了那种异想天开的感觉,而这正是让我们的节目如此与众不同的众多方式里的一种。我们不怕有创造力,乔治无疑是推动这一点的人,差不多是造成了这种风格上的突变,并且说:“是啊,不过这[几集]就是会很有趣,这几集会很古怪——我们知道它们很古怪——不过它们并没有超出《星战》的范围。”如果我们能接受卢克沿一条深槽飞行,然后听见一个声音,引导他如何达到自己的目标,而我们对这都没啥问题……那么小小的微型人把某人往下吊到一个小人国度里就太极端了?很可能不会。所以这有几分是往更广阔的星战宇宙里的一瞥;是那种Aleen星球居住在地下的树人的魔法,以及其它就在克隆人战争进行时,世界之外发生的稀奇古怪的事情。这当然是种很大的背离,不过我想这对观众来说是种乐趣。

And it's Artoo and Threepio, and we really haven't had them together a lot on the show. There's not a lot of opportunity to have them together. So you get a kind of iconic look at them, and it just reminds you of when there were with the Jawas in A New Hope. If that's all you see of that movie, and you don't see anything about the Empire or Darth Vader or Stormtroopers, imagine what kind of movie you'd think you're watching? It's just Artoo and these Jawas. I mean, that's, like, far out! So I think there's that kind of innocence to Star Wars that, in a lot of ways, I almost think has gotten lost, or people just don't remember it because they're so focused on the type of intensity that we deliver in other ways. It's more like The Force Unleashed reality that fans have kind of made up in their imagination overtime that was never really a part of the original trilogy if you go back and look at it. We have to bridge all these different eras of Star Wars, and that's another big challenge the show's inherited.

IGN: It was on one hand obviously a nod to the opening of A New Hope, but there was a great sort of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern thing going with the whole storyline. Especially when they're walking by a huge lightsaber battle and we don't even really get the context of what's happening.

Right. I call that my Star Tours moment actually. When I was talking to Steward Lee, the episodic director, I said, "I want this directed like Star Tours." Like, we're following the droids right behind them, and they're like, "No, we're not going that way!" Because Star Tours always had those awesome moments where you get a glimpse of something, and you go, "Wow! I wonder what that's -- Oh, we're not going there. The door just shut." So it's a fun thing. We've often discussed doing an episode where we're with the clones and we never really see the Jedi, but they just kind of leap over us -- lightsabers flashing and then run off ahead and we're like, "Wow, what was that all about?" It's a great perspective also. Because when I was a kid, the Jedi were a much bigger mystery than they are now. We never really saw one except Obi-Wan, and he was old. And then we got to meet Yoda, but he was old. And Luke, let's face it, he was never really the best. I have a notion that anyone on the Council could really kick his butt. He had a lot of heart though, right? He had a lot going for him. And almost it was what he didn't know that made him really dangerous to the Emperor, it's just love for his father -- but he wasn't going to take you out with his lightsaber skills, that was for sure. We've kind of lost that sensibility of, "Wow, the Jedi are really unique." But we've tried to show them unique in other ways, unique personalities and give them more depth on this show.
费洛尼:没错。事实上我把这称为我的《星际迷航》时刻。在我和这一集的导演Steward Lee谈话时,我说:“我想要这一集有《星际迷航》的导演风格。”就好象,我们就跟在这两个机器人身后,尾随着他们,而他们就象在说“不,我们不要走那条路!”因为《星际迷航》总是有那种令人敬畏的时刻,你瞥到了什么,然后你走开了,“喔!我想知道那是什么——哦,我们不去那儿。门刚关上了。”所以这是件有趣的事。我们总是在讨论做一集故事,跟着克隆人,从来没有真正看见绝地,但他们差不多就是从我们头上跳过去——光剑闪耀,然后远远地跑到了前头,而我们就好象:“喔,这是怎么回事?”这也是个很棒的视角。因为在我还是个孩子的时候,绝地是个比现在要神秘得多的存在。除了欧比万,我们从来没有真正见过一个绝地,而且他年纪已经很大了。然后我们见到了尤达,但是他的年纪也很大了。还有卢克,让我们面对现实吧,他从来都不是最棒的那个。我有种想法,那就是绝地议会里随便哪个都可以打败他。不过他有丰富的情感,对吗?而他不知道,就是这让他对皇帝来说变得真正有威胁,正是他对父亲的爱——但他不会以他的光剑技巧来除掉你,那是肯定的。我们差不多失去了那种“喔,绝地真的非常独特”这样的感觉。不过我们力图用其他方式来表现他们的独特,独特的个性,并且在这个剧集里赋予他们更深的层次。

IGN: Then the Umbara storyline was a huge clone-centric one. Rex being a focal point of this series -- one of the characters that we're most sort of fascinated by because he was new and his fate is unknown -- by the end of this arc we've seen a huge change for Rex in that he does finally disobey orders and seems so much more disillusioned. He literally asks, "What's the point of all this?" Where is Rex going forward? He appeared a little more in this season, but the stories weren't centered around him. So where's his head at, do you think, by the end of Umbara?

Well, I think that Rex is in one of the range of trooper that has survived a very long time, and it gets into bigger questions, because we know where we're going with Order 66 and what happens in the end with the Jedi and the clones. I think we've really fleshed things out more with the clones in a way, to say that they aren't as docile and predictable and following every order like the Kaminoans thought. Just because the Kaminoans said they would be that way, it doesn't mean that when you get them out there on the battlefield that they are going to be that way. And I think something that they really didn't predict would be the effect of the Jedi on these guys, because the Jedi really insisted on treating them like people and not treating them like numbers. And getting them to really feel their personalities and express their individuality and believe that that was what would make them good soldiers. Even though they're working for a unified goal, they wanted them to be alive and not just another type of gun running around.

So that was an unpredictable thing, and I think for Rex, we're watching that evolution in Rex, which makes the question of what will Rex do if Rex makes it to Order 66... You have to couch everything in mystery, but if he does make it to Order 66, is Rex a clone that will pull the trigger? Do all the clones pull the trigger? How does that work anyway? And these are all things that we actually have gotten into in a lot of detail that unfortunately for you, you'll have to wait a long time just to see it fleshed out. [Laughs] That's the downside of this. I have to say, like, I'll tell you that, and it's very much on my mind these days, right? But you're going to have to wait several episodes… several episodes! And you're going to be like, "Why is Filoni telling me about this? That's so mean! He always says this stuff, and it never even happens in the season!" And I'm like, "Aw, yeah, but we were working on it that day, you just didn't know, and you didn't see it." People used to ask me all the time, "Are we ever going to see water? Are we going to see Mon Calamari?" And I'm like, "Maybe one day!" And meanwhile, I'm looking at the footage, but I can't really say! All of this is just going to make your readers think, "Oh my gosh, Filoni's telling us something!"
所以这是件无法预知的事,而对于雷克斯,我认为,我们正目睹雷克斯身上发生的变化,而这就产生了一个问题——雷克斯会怎么做,如果他能活到66号令的话……你必须让一切保持神秘,不过如果雷克斯真的活到了66号令的话,那么他是那种会扣动扳机的克隆人吗?所有的克隆人都开枪了吗?无论如何,那怎么会行得通?事实上所有这一切我们都已经发展出许多细节,不幸的是对你们来说,想看到这是如何充实起来的,你们将不得不等上很长一段时间。[大笑]这是这个剧的消极面。我得说,就好比,我告诉你说,这些天我一直在为这操心,对吧?可是你将不得不等上几集的时间……几集!而你差不多就会想:“为什么费洛尼要和我说这个?那是那么的重要!他总是说这样的事情,可这些事在这一季里甚至从来没出现过!”而我就会说:“啊,是啊,不过那个时候我们我们正在进行制作,只不过你不知道,也没有看见而已。”过去人们一直问我这样的问题:“我们会看见水吗?我们会见到Mon Calamari?”而我就好比说:“某一天也许会的。”而与此同时,我正看着那些镜头可我不能真正说出来!所有这一切只会让你的读者想:“哦我的天啊,费洛尼正在告诉我们一些事!”

IGN: Or, "Don't trust him!"

Yeah, you can't. Let's face it. You really can't. Well, I've known you for a while now, so I figure you have a good idea of when I'm telling you something that's really going to happen and when I'm like, "Yeah, I just can't talk about it." [laughs]

IGN: You touched upon this, but I have been wondering, will this show be able to answer the question of whether Order 66 is completely genetically within the clones or something or just an order they're trained to follow. You had that scene in the Umbara arc where Fives says to Rex, "Do you really believe that or is that what you're engineered to think?" And it makes you think of Order 66. Do you think you're going to be able to touch upon that, even though your show is set before Revenge of the Sith?

Oh, I would say that's on the table. I wouldn't look for that answer anytime soon. But especially in the writers meetings we have with George, that type of thinking definitely comes up in regards to the clones. So even though it's relevant for Revenge of the Sith in that moment, it's definitely relevant for when we're talking about the clones and their behavior in regards to Krell. How much are they programmed? How much of it is free will? Or is it a Manchurian Candidate thing where they don't even know, and then it all goes down? So I would say that all of that's all on the table, and I think that's why Rex is such an interesting character. Because a lot of people understand that he's really headed in that direction, at least meaning that we're going to be able to answer some of those questions probably through Rex and Rex's experiences… And let's face it: He has a cool helmet. That goes a long way for people.

IGN: Before we move on from Umbara, there's one story point that I was curious about. We see Dogma was arrested at the end, but what did Rex and the other clones tell everyone? What did the Jedi think happened as far as how Krell died?

Well, they definitely reported it as fact. It wouldn't really be in Rex to go over the facts in a way that's exaggerated. They basically would say that General Krell was a traitor. He was planning on aiding the Separatists and leaving the Republic. He turned on the Jedi Order. "We had arrested him and were trying to make a decision about executing him, because we thought at that point we were going to lose the base. Should we let him get away, which would possibly be damaging in the future? Before I, as the commanding officer, could come to that decision, Dogma made that decision for us."
费洛尼:哦,他们无疑据实汇报了。 雷克斯真的不是那种以夸张的方式阐述事实的人。基本上他们会说,克雷尔将军是个叛徒。他蓄意帮助分离主义分子,叛离共和国。他背叛了绝地组织。“我们逮捕了他,力图就是否处决他作出决定,因为我们认为在那个时候,我们会失去基地。我们是否应该让他脱逃呢?这可能会在未来造成危害。就在我,作为指挥官,可以做出决定之前,‘教条’就为我们做出了决定。”

He can't condone his actions through the court system – Basically, Rex can't legally support it openly. Personally, he probably might agree with the situation. He can't fault Dogma for what happened, but he can fault him because by the book… Dogma's off the book. That's why Dogma gets arrested. It's something I've always held about Mace Windu and the Chancellor. If Mace Windu executes the Chancellor, it's my belief that Mace gets arrested, even though Palpatine is a Sith Lord. Because what does that mean to anybody in the Republic, really? I mean, there hasn't been a Sith Lord for a millennia, right? So what does that mean to someone? "Oh, I'm sorry, Mace. You're upset that someone, this fictitious person that you call a Sith, was running the Republic and making the trains get to the station on time? I don't understand the problem." So that's why I think Mace goes into that room and says, "We're here to arrest you," and then when he gets how powerful Palpatine really is he's like, "I'm going to have to take the fall on this." And that one decision turns out to be pretty costly.

IGN: Yes it does!

Because I think Anakin, in the end, would have been for arresting the Chancellor. And when he sees that Mace is there to execute him, it makes him think the coup is all a real thing. And I think that same truth exists where Krell is concerned for Dogma unfortunately. I think that Rex and them might go and testify on his behalf. But it'll be interesting, the military and the military power that's growing in the Republic is an interesting dilemma for both the clones and the Jedi. Guys like Tarkin, they're gaining more and more control, which is something the Jedi insisted happen at the beginning of the war by saying they're keepers of the peace, not soldiers. But you have to be careful of what you wish for sometimes I guess.

IGN: With the Zygerrian trilogy, how did it come to be adapted from a previously written comic book? That hadn't happened before on the show.

Yeah, we had a couple open stories which meant we had kind of worked on our allotment of scripts for a season, and we had some open slots that we didn't have a story treatment for. And George, who reads the comic books every now and again, knows Henry Gilroy from his work on the show. And I think to him, it was just a natural progression. He thought, "Well Henry worked on the show, these are Clone Wars stories. Why don't we just give Henry a shot at adapting these for actual use on the show?" So the dilemma for me creatively was that Henry had written those stories at the beginning of the Clone War. And now I've made this bold promise to the fans that we're only ever going to move ahead in continuity, and I think that is frankly the right thing to do, personally. I think that people can follow the story as much as they can if it's more told in a straightforward fashion. I called [Henry] and said, "We really want to do this, but let's bring Ahsoka up to age. And this is what's been going on with her." I mean, Henry knows because he watches the show, so it wasn't that difficult. But by that point, a lot of people didn't know, and Henry certainly didn't at that point, that Ventress had left Dooku –that she had been thrown out. Ventress was in the original story in the comic book and working for the Separatists, so she obviously couldn't do that, so we had to rearrange that. It was a challenge, but it was also pretty fun. And I think it really clearly illustrates the difference between the EU material and what makes it up on the screen as George wants it. Which is that in the end, the comic books are a great place for ideas and creativity by many, many really talented artists and writers. But when George is gonna bring it into his universe, a lot of times it's going to need tweaks. Some things are really similar, but they're not exactly the same, which isn't that strange when you think about it, when you consider anything that's adapted from one medium to the other. A lot of things change, whether large or small, all the time.
费洛尼:是的,我们还有几个故事没编完但已经在搞分集的事了,还有几个点子但还没有编进故事。而乔治,他有时会看漫画书,因为Henry Gilroy在这个剧里的作品而认识了他。我想这对他来说这只是一个很自然的发展过程。他想:“嗯,Henry在这个剧组工作,而这些就是《克隆人战争》的故事。为什么我们不给Henry一个机会把这几个故事改编一下,真正用在这个剧里呢?”所以对我来说,在创作方面的困境就是,Henry写的这些故事是发生在“克隆人战争”开始时。而现在我向粉丝们许下了这个勇敢无畏的诺言说,在故事的连续性上我们只会向前发展,而我个人认为,坦白讲,这样做是对的。我认为如果用一种更加直截了当的方式来讲故事的话,观众可以尽可能地跟上故事的内容。我给Henry打电话说:“我们真的想拍这个故事,不过让我们把阿索卡的年纪调大些。这就是正发生在她身上的事。”我是说,Henry知道,因为他在看这个剧,所以这并不难。不过在那个时候很多人不知道,Henry那个时候当然也不知道,文翠斯已经离开了杜库——她已经被抛弃了。原著漫画中文翠斯出现在故事里,她为分离主义分子工作,因此她显然不能这样做,所以我们不得不重新安排。这是项挑战,不过这也相当有趣。我认为这真正清楚地说明了,EU素材在以乔治想要的方式改编呈现在屏幕上后有了什么不同。也就是最终,漫画书是一个由许许多多真正有才华的艺术家和作者出点子、出创意的好地方。不过当乔治想把这带进他的宇宙里时,许多时候就需要进行调整。有些素材真的很相似,不过它们并不完全一样,如果你回想一下,把所有从一种媒介改编为另一个媒介的作品考虑一下,就不会觉得这有多奇怪了。许多事有了改变,不管是大是小,始终如此。

IGN: In the Zygerrian trilogy, Dooku says his goal is the extermination of the Jedi. And we know Palpatine has that goal, but Dooku's a little more interesting because he was a Jedi. Do you think we might get a little bit more into what happened there and how he's gone to such an extreme if he was once a member of this group?

We'll deal with Dooku a little more directly in the future. Maul being in play affects things to a certain extent as you can imagine, because he's there as a fallen apprentice, and Palpatine now has a current apprentice. It kind of makes for an interesting scenario. I find that Dooku's a really interesting character because I really don't know how many people get that he was a Jedi. I think it's so easy just to make the leap that he's a villain automatically. And when you really think about it and that he was Qui-Gon's master, that's a big bit of information there that's really interesting. I think that there's a lot you can do with Dooku, and with Corey Burton playing him, why wouldn't you want to do it, to be honest?
费洛尼:将来我们在处理杜库时会更加坦率一点。摩尔扮演的角色在一定程度上会对事情造成影响,这你能想象得到,因为他是作为一个堕落的学徒存在的,而帕尔帕廷现在有了一个新学徒。这差不多就是形成了一个有趣的情节。我发现杜库是个真正有趣的角色,因为我真的不知道有多少人了解他曾经是一个绝地。我想自动把他塑造成一个反派就是要容易得多。而当你真正对他曾是魁刚的师父这一点进行思考,这就是一个真正有趣的相当大的信息。我想关于杜库你有许多事可以做,再加上还有Corey Burton来扮演他,老实说,你为什么不想这么做呢?

IGN: With "A Friend in Need," I just have to say: Quadruple decapitation… One of the coolest things in Season 4.

It was emblematic.

IGN: [Laughs] Does that mean in Season 5 we'll get someone cutting off five heads at once?

We'll give you five in 5. Don't worry. [Laughs] Not a problem, not a problem. That's a promise.

IGN: That was just such an awesome moment. Did you think, "Yeah, we've just gotta go for this"?

It's always a challenge because I get that the show gets dark for people at times. But in a very real way, the Jedi's main weapon is a sword, and there's really no nice way to take someone out when you're dealing with that as a weapon.

IGN: No. But it's quick! They didn't feel a lot of pain.

Yeah, I mean it's clean, right? It cauterizes. I don't know that the Mandalorians even thought about it - they didn't even know! I directed that episode, and you get someone in a scenario and it's the best thing. You know, she's on her knees, tied up in rope, four guys around her that are still tied to the line. You think, "How would she get out of this?" And I'm like, they're cocky, they're probably underestimating her because she looks small. If she can get a hold of her lightsabers and leap up quickly and take the slack out, whatever's on the rope, that would make them all stumble forward. And if she helicopters her way down, that would be really cool. It's the kind of thing that I think when you see at your local cineplex, you go, "That's really cool," and you don't think about twice. But you're sitting at home on a Friday night watching Cartoon Network, you're like, "Wow! Wasn't expecting that!" But it's kind of the fun of it, and I give Cartoon Network a lot of credit. They're very good to me as far as recognizing that we're trying to continue the film series on television. And we do a lot of things that I think are more related to films. When you look at the Dooku decapitation or Vader choking guys and throwing them against walls, you don't think of it much when you're watching a Star Wars film. But a TV show I think is a lot more challenging. They're really great at dealing with me and those issues, and I never feel like I'm compromising stuff for the stories. We're still telling the stories. And I really enjoy working with the Death Watch, and I think having Ahsoka cross paths with them was really fun. I mean, you've got jetpacks, you know?

IGN: Oh yeah!

One of those shots where they're just flying towards the camp and we push the camera in past all of them… I've dreamed of doing that shot ever since I saw Boba Fett when it came in the mail to me all those years ago. So you have to do that for people, you know? That's what they want to see. And I thought Jon Favreau was brilliant in that episode too.
费洛尼:有一个镜头是他们正朝着营地飞行,我们把摄象机推到他们所有人前面去……多年以前,打从我看见邮寄来的波巴·费特(??)的时候起,我就梦想着要拍这样一个镜头了。所以你必须为人们做这事,明白吗?这是他们想要看到的东西。而且我认为Jon Favreau在这一集里也表现的极其出色。

IGN: Oh, he was great, him and [Katee] Sackhoff. It was a great combination.
IGN:哦,他很了不起,他和[Katee] Sackhoff。这是个了不起的组合。

Yeah, yeah. Oh, and Katee coming on was a big win. I try to do that. I try to do the crossover for people, and she was really kind to come in and do that. I thought that she did a really, really good job.

IGN: The next storyline, with Obi-Wan undercover, was interesting in that the final episode had a swerve where some very important stuff happened with Anakin at the end - the idea seemingly being that this was Palpatine's first true attempt to turn Anakin. Was the idea, "Well in Revenge of the Sith, we see it all play out. But what if he tried it already? What if he'd tried, but it didn't work the first time?"

That was really a George idea, as all the initial story jumping-off points are. He said, "This is the first attempt. You've seen the second attempt." Because he's trying to get a sense of Anakin's abilities. I think a lot of people just accept the inevitability of Anakin become Palpatine's apprentice, but it's not so cut and dry. If Anakin can't survive the Clone War, if he's not powerful enough, he'll die. And he'll never become Darth Vader. It's not gonna happen. The Emperor's interested in power and being the most powerful person. So it was kind of neat when George explained that to really do this story that was ultimately about Anakin, but doing it all through Obi-Wan Kenobi's point of view and trying to come up with a plan and something that was so layered that the audience doesn't really even see this test of Anakin coming, because the Jedi don't see it coming. And Cad Bane has no idea that's what the purpose of the whole thing is. Even the bounty hunters, to a large extent, get played in the whole thing, because the kidnapping of the Chancellor is such a ruse. It's never really meant to happen even in the way that Cad Bane thinks it's going to happen. So "The Box", everything about it, was just a filtering process to failsafe -- because Dooku knows the Jedi are going to be able to kind of suss something out. So the Box is not really meant to figure out which bounty hunters can't make it through. Because you see the bounty hunters that they need for the mission obviously made it through, like Derrown. But the Box really filtered out Obi-Wan, and it allowed Dooku to understand that that was who was really there, that there was someone, a Jedi, in their midst.

IGN: And by the end of that, you also have a lot of things set up for Revenge of the Sith as far as Anakin mistrusting the Jedi and Mace Windu mistrusting Palpatine.

Absolutely. I think it's an important thing because a lot of people, when they watch the movie, they go, "Well how can he turn his back on these people? They're like a family to him." But when you give the greater context of this series, you see, "Well, it might be a family, but the family doesn't trust him. The family doesn't believe in him fully. The family often isn't as much a family as Palpatine is a grandfather." The scene between Ian Abercrombie [as Palpatine] and Matt Lanter [as Anakin] is just phenomenal, when they're walking over to the window. It's probably the most like the prequels our show has ever been. It's really, still to this day for several of us, just devastating with Ian's passing. I mean, he is so brilliant as Palpatine. We still have his work well into next season. So it's great that he's still alive and well, at least in the Star Wars galaxy.
费洛尼:完全正确。我认为这是件很重要的事,因为许多观众,当他们观看电影的时候,他们说:“哦,他怎么能背叛这些人?他们就象对待家人一样对待他。”不过当你有了这个系列更大的背景之后,你明白了,“哦,这也许是个家庭,不过这个家庭并不信任他。这个家庭并没有完全地信任他。这个家庭并不总是象帕尔帕廷象个祖父那样更象个家庭。” Ian Abercrombie(扮演帕尔帕廷)和马特·兰特(扮演阿纳金)之间的那个镜头非常惊人,当时他们正在向窗户走去。这也许是我们这个剧集播放至今最象前传的一个镜头了。说真的,直至今日,Ian的过世对我们几个人来说仍然是个毁灭性的事件。我的意思是,他扮演的帕尔帕廷是如此精彩。不过下一季我们仍然很好地拥有了他的工作。因此至少在星战宇宙里,他依然健在,这很了不起。

IGN: Let's get into the final four episodes, starting with "Massacre." You had zombie Geonosians in Season 2, but you went even further here.

Can't stop there! Zombie witches, I think they trump zombie Geonosians. These were nasty ones.

IGN: They were! They were creepy. Again, do you have a lot of talks about how far you can go?

Oh yeah, and with Katie [Lucas] writing, it's really fun because she'll definitely go for it. I have to pull back from there because she's so good with that stuff - witches and zombies. [Laughs] She even tried to throw in some kind of wolf-like creature in there, but I cut it. It was nice of her, but at that point it was getting a little too Twilight for me. I already put a wolf in, so Embo has a big wolf-dog now. It was intense, and we knew it was going to be. But they're witches after all. It would have made a great Halloween episode if we could time it better. But it definitely challenged us to come up with our own type of creepy zombies -- different than the bug zombies. I mean bug zombies -- bugs are bugs, right? But these were a little bit more personal and identifiable, and I thought that their animation when they fought Grievous… You can just sit and watch that scene and watch in the background while Ventress tries to get away all of these zombies attacking Grievous. And he actually comes out on kind of the upside of it, which is good. A lot of people liked that, that he wasn't easily trumped. I still don't believe that, at this point -- one-to-one -- that Grievous could really take out someone like Ventress in a lightsaber fight. I mean, it's just me, but he doesn't have the Force. He can't wield it. I don't see how he can hope to be as proficient as a Jedi or a Sith could be fighting with a lightsaber, which is why he's always willing to dirty play at the end of the day.
费洛尼:哦有的,有Katie [Lucas]做编剧就真的很有趣,因为她无疑会放手去做。我还不得不把她往回拉一点,因为她写这种女巫啦僵尸啦之类的东西真是得心应手。[大笑]她甚至试着要把某种狼形生物加进去,不过被我砍掉了。她人真好,不过对我来说那样就有点太象《暮光之城》了。我早就放了一匹狼进去,所以现在Embo有了一头巨大的狼狗。效果紧张激烈,我们知道会达到这种效果。不过她们毕竟是女巫。如果我们把时间安排得更好一点就能做成一集很棒的万圣节剧。不过这无疑要求我们拿出我们自己类型的僵尸——与虫子僵尸不同的种类。我是说虫子僵尸——虫子就是虫子,对吧?但是这些(女巫)要更加个人化、识别度更高一点,我觉得在她们与格里弗斯交战的时候她们的动画……在文翠斯试图离开所有那些僵尸攻击格里弗斯的时候,你可以就是坐在那里看着这个场景,你可以看到背景里去。而格里弗斯有几分是占了上风地出场,这很好。许多观众喜欢看这个,他们喜欢他并不是那么容易被打败。我仍然不相信,在这个时候——一对一的时候——格里弗斯真的能在一场光剑对决里把一个文翠斯这样的人干掉。我是说,只是我这样认为,但他没有原力。他应付不了。我不知道他怎么能希望象一个绝地或是一个西斯一样精于用光剑打斗,这也就是为什么到了最后他总是要搞小动作。

IGN: Yeah, once things aren't going so well for him, he quickly cheats or calls in help.

Yeah, it's in the movie. Mace Windu says, "General Grievous will run and hide, as he always does." He's an interesting character for all that thought. And obviously, you know, he's adept at using lightsabers, but I always thought his thing was fear. If you are afraid of the many swirling blades, then you'll parish staring at them. But if you can just focus through it, you can defeat that opponent -- like any video game! Video games are the same. It's like Bowser in Mario. If you buy into all the axe throwing or fireballs, you're dead. All you gotta do is jump on the guy and he's dead. I was just playing Mario 3 last night with a friend, so that's why the Mario reference is fresh in my mind.
费洛尼:是啊,就在电影里。梅斯·温度说:“格里弗斯将军会跑掉躲起来,就象他一贯做的那样。”不过正因为这些他这个角色才这么有趣。而显然,你知道,他擅长用光剑,不过我总是认为他的武器是恐惧。如果你害怕那许多的高速旋转的剑刃,你就会盯着它们看。但如果你能仅仅专注于穿越它,那么你就能打败那个对手——就象所有的电子游戏一样!电子游戏也是如此。就好象《超级玛丽》里的Bowser。如果你吃进扔过来的所有斧头和活球,你就死了。你所要做的就是跳到那家伙身上去,他就死了。昨晚上我刚和一个朋友玩了《超级玛丽 3》,所以这就是为什么超级玛丽的经验在我脑子里那么新鲜清晰。

IGN: In "Bounty", we see Boba Fett again and he's certainly more badass, but he's not all badass. Now he's got a costume, but it's not the costume. Was there a lot of thought about how much you want to elevate him without going too far?
IGN:在《赏金》里,我们再次见 到了波巴·费特,显然他变得更不好对付了,但他还没有完全变到那么难对付。现在他有了套盔甲,不过不是那套著名的盔甲。关于在不走得太远的情况下把他提升到什么程度你们是不是有过许多考虑?

Yeah, I mean we have to be careful. He just can't become that awesome that fast. You have to grow him into it. And at one point -- this is just an interesting factoid that I don't think I've talked about -- we actually had him in the actual Boba Fett outfit. But we decided that if we were going to do that that we wouldn't just have him appear in it. And that this is one time where, when we're ready to put him in that armor that you see in The Empire Strikes Back, we're actually going to get into it and say, "This is how he got it. This is how it got made."

We're going to forge the Boba Fett that you see in Empire, and that's really what we're doing with him. Every time we show him, we build a piece of that character, and those pieces are going to come together. Then he'll finally be ready to be the guy. You just never seen this part of his life before. But nobody starts out and they're just the ultimate – especially a gunslinger. There's always a gunslinger that's better than you, always. Right now, we know who that is, you know... Cad Bane. He's the guy.
我们要忘记你们在《帝国》里见到的那个波巴·费特,而这正是我们对他真正在做的事。 每一次我们让他出现,我们就塑造出这个角色中的一个方面,而那些方面将汇集到一起。然后最终,他就准备好变成那个人。之前你从来没在他的生活里见过这样的部分。但是没有人一出生就是顶尖高手——尤其是对一个枪手来说。总有一个枪手比你强,总是如此。目前,我们知道这个人是谁,你知道……凯德·贝恩。他是那个高手。

IGN: Boba certainly showed that he's adept in a fight in "Bounty". But he can't take on someone like Ventress yet, even for a second.

No, he's not ready for that level yet. He's fighting outside of his level range. He shouldn't be in that area. He shouldn't be in that area. But Ventress, it was probably the best moment when she's like, "No, you have no idea who you are dealing with." Which is true, he's totally out of his depth there. But now he's learned, and now he really hates her. [Laughs]

IGN: What were the conversations like regarding bringing Simon Pegg onto the show as Dengar? He's a huge, lifelong Star Wars fan, but he's also been a vocal critic of the prequels.

You know, for me, it was just really simple. He's a Star Wars fan. I know he's a Star Wars fan. He seems cool. I know several people that know him and say he's a big fan. So I thought, "Well, let's get him. He's done Star Trek, but he's a Star Wars fan. So let's get him back into Star Wars." And I know a lot of people ask, "Oh, but why? He says this and that." But I'm not going to concern myself with that because I know he's a fan, and if there's one thing I've learned on this job it's that fans are passionate people. Whether you're a celebrity fan or just a fan going to WonderCon or Comic-Con, you have your opinions. And I'm not going to fault people for that, I'm not going to get into a big dialogue with them. I've met tons of fans that feel different ways about all things Star Wars, and I just appreciate the passion because that's where it all comes from. When we don't like something in a movie, people take it to a strange level sometimes, but a lot of times the impotence of that is, "I really, really wanted to like this!" That's being a fan, and I've always thought in some ways being a fan gives you the right to say, "I don't like this." People think we're all just, "Oh, I love it! I love everything and dress up like it and go to conventions." But fandom's gotten very complex. I think that that's why forever in the back of Marvel Comics you have a section where people can write in and say, "Hey, what's up with that?" I mean that was the form when we were kids was you've got to write a letter in, and if you get really lucky it gets published and then you're in that episode forever. [Laughs] How sweet is that? It's just all part of it. I was glad that he was game to do it. I think that speaks to how much he loves Star Wars right there, and I thought he did a fantastic job.

I wanted somebody who loves the original trilogy to come in and play Dengar, and he was brilliant in doing it. I thought he added a twist on the character that people didn't really think. He's a younger Dengar, you know? He was trying, he was trying back then. He hadn't let it all go yet. [Laughs] He wasn't just having that filet o' fish every week like he obviously was in Empire. He was a real, big time bounty hunter back then, and I thought Simon did a great job with it. It was a lot of fun directing him and talking with him about being a fan. It was a great time for me. Everyone that I've brought on -- Jon Favreau, Katee Sackhoff, Sam Witwer, Clancy Brown -- what they all have in common is a passion for this thing that we all have, which is that they first experienced it when they were young, and it filled their mind with adventure and imagination. And that set them on a path to where they are in their career, on one level or another. That's really what it's about.
我想要某个热爱原三部曲的人参与进来扮演登加,而他扮演的登加非常耀眼。我认为他给这个角色增加了一种扭曲的成分,而观众还没有真正想到。他是个年轻的登加,你明白?那时他还在试着回到过去。他还没有对一切放手。[大笑]他并不象他在《帝国》里表现的那样每个星期都拿着那块麦香鱼(??)。以前,他是个真正的第一流赏金猎人,我认为西蒙成功地表现出了这一点。给他导戏、作为一个影迷和交谈非常有趣。这对我来说是一段了不起的时光。我带来的每个人——Jon Favreau,Katee Sackhoff,Sam Witwer,Clancy Brown——他们的共同点就是我们都对这件事有一股热情。在他们小时侯他们第一次体验到这种热情,让他们的大脑充满了冒险与想象。从这样或那样的角度上说,这让他们走上了一条引导他们走到事业中现在所处地位的道路。那就是这真正意义所在(??)。

IGN: Last but not least, the final storyline of the season...

The big challenge.

IGN: The big challenge! Once you knew you were going to go for it, you were going to bring Darth Maul back, how daunting was that and how many conversations did you have about, "How do we handle this, how do we handle him?"

Oh, it was a whole thing. It was the kind of thing in the story meeting with George where we're like, "Are we really doing this?" Because sometimes George will joke with us, and we're not sure if he's serious or not. I think he said, "We're bringing Darth Maul back," and we're all kind of like, "Yeah, that's funny! Wait a minute. You're not laughing." It became clear that we were going to be tasked with this, which I just thought was incredibly ironic because when I saw it in the theater I thought there was no way that guy's ever coming back. "Good on you, George. You cut him in half this time. There's no Boba Fett-ing this guy. He's gone." And then to be tasked with the responsibility of bringing him back and making it believable was a huge challenge. But we all sat down and worked it out, and we all began to think because the Nightsisters were involved, especially Mother Talzin, there was a real opportunity to make this believable in a way that was more mythical, more spiritual, more magical than anything scientific, which would all point to no -- there's no way this can come back.

But in the same way that you can accept Obi-Wan Kenobi having a personality and living after his destruction on the Death Star, maybe you can believe that hatred works the opposite way but it all works in the physical realm. So there were a lot of discussions we got into to try and bring this character back. And we had several sources. One was a Visionaries comic book where we saw him running around with robot legs. So, we liked that imagery. And again, that's something that the EU spawned, and we didn't just throw it out and do our own thing. We said, "Well, let's look at that." And George liked to look at that, we showed it to him. He said, "Well, let's go with that." So it is kind of an homage in that way. Because it tends to work out here and there in different ways.

And I think Savage gave us an opportunity with Clancy, to have this guy on this journey meeting this kind of morally little snake guy. It's like our own little Gollum, our little Shelob's Lair if you will. The spider-legged thing was all George. I have to give credit where it's due. We were going to have Darth Maul in different states of decay when we found him. I was drawing some weird, trash-looking legs on Maul that didn't really have much shape, and then George said, "Let's make it like a spider. Like his mind couldn't seize on what he was or any one thing, it just forms in this way." And to really make it all happen, you need a hardcore actor who's going to go all the way, and that was Sam Witwer no doubt. He is a lunatic, especially in that first part, and he knows his Star Wars.
而且我认为萨瓦吉给了我们一个与Clancy打交道的机会,可以让这个家伙在旅途中遇到这个有些道德的小蛇人。这就象我们自己的小咕噜姆,如果你愿意的话也可以看作是我们小小的希洛布(魔戒里的那只蜘蛛)的巢穴。那个蜘蛛腿的玩意儿全是乔治的主意。我必须把荣誉归于真正应得的人。在我们找到达斯·摩尔的时候,我们打算让他以不同的腐败程度出现,我给摩尔画了一些古怪的、垃圾样的腿,没有太多真正的外形,然后乔治说:“让我们把它弄得象个蜘蛛。就好象他的思维没法抓住自己是谁,或任何一件事,这就形成了这个样子。”而要真正让这一切实现,你就需要一个能贯彻始终的核心演员,毫无疑问这个演员就是Sam Witwer。他是一个疯子,尤其是在第一部分,而他知道他的《星战》。

IGN: He does. I had a long conversation with him on the set of Smallville that became very Star Wars oriented.

There's no such thing as a short conversation with Sam Witwer. You get an answer, you can get a drink, have a sandwich, and he's just finishing his first sentence. That's why you love him though.
费洛尼:和Sam Witwer谈话都短不了。要得到一个回答,你可以喝上一杯,再来块三明治,而他才刚说完他的第一句话。不过这也是你爱他的原因。

IGN: The one thing you don't go into is the specifics of physically how he got from Naboo to where he is. Did you discuss that? I know that would be some pretty big exposition…

It sure would! I have actually [thought about it]. Yeah, I've gotten into it quite a bit, especially because when you bring a character back like that you have a lot of the novelists and comic book writers chomping at the bit to add their bit to it. So there's been an effort of late to try and keep those things all informed, because what we're working on comes from George. So a lot of them are like, "We would like to know what's kind of going on in this discussion so we're not just writing off in the wind here anymore." So if it's anything that gets close to Clone Wars anymore in any way, usually there are people emailing me discussions, and I say, "Well, this is happening," and, "That scene's plausible." I'll even take stuff and ask George, "Hey George, would this work out? It's not going to be in the show, but just to keep this all together." There's a very coordinated effort going on to keep things moving forward all together in the right way. So it did come up, how does he get there, and why don't the Jedi find him or his body, or what's going on with that? And that's been discussed in some detail actually.

IGN: And might we see those answers in some other form at some point?

I would say it's possible. I mean, you know the EU. If there's one minute of time left in the Star Wars galaxy, they'll fill it in. I'm still waiting for the Ben Quadrinaros one-off book. What happens when that pod crashes? Did he lose all his money, is he a deadbeat now, is he stuck on Tatooine? Is he working in a shop there, meets a lady? I don't know.
费洛尼:我得说这是可能的。我是说,你知道衍生宇宙。如果《星战》宇宙里有一分钟时间的遗漏,他们都会补完的。我仍然在等Ben Quadrinaros的单本书。那艘赛艇坠毁后发生了什么?他失去了所有的记忆吗?他现在成了个二流子,被困在塔图因了吗?他在那里的一家商店里工作,遇到了一位女士?我不知道。

IGN: Savage doesn't participate, as far as we see, in the slaughter of those people. He's been corrupted by Talzin and Dooku, but would he go along with that? What does he think of that - of Maul's plan basically being, "I'm going to kill a bunch of innocent people, and that'll bring Obi-Wan here"?

Well, I hate to say it, and it's off-camera, but I think you have to assume that Savage goes along with it. He understands his brother's need for revenge. He's such a twisted, contorted character. He's such a Frankenstein in our world. There was an original version where, in the hologram, Savage was standing with Maul when they communicate with the Jedi Temple, but I said, "This really doesn't work if they're both there." Because [the Jedi] are not aware of the connection between them. So if he's not there, it's actually more believable that they could surprise Obi-Wan and actually take him out. That was a very difficult thing to set up to make you believe that they could take out Obi-Wan. And then also, I have to say that, you know, really working out that the Jedi would send one guy after him… You know, I had to set up the plausibility that, I mean, why would it be Darth Maul? The Jedi, they seem pretty skeptical, even though Yoda's pretty sure in telling Obi-Wan that he's coming back. But Yoda somehow has, through the Force, an echo that if he lets Obi-Wan go by himself it means that Obi-Wan's going to have to rely on the help of this person that otherwise might not choose to step more towards the light. So always with Yoda, there's kind of a bigger thing going on, and there is an example of a bigger thing going on. But it is one of those things where if I was in charge, I'd probably say, "Everybody who's not busy, we're going over there to get this guy, whoever he is." But a lot of stories often don't work out that way, for whatever reason. But I didn't want to say, "Well everybody's too busy." Really? "Everyone's too busy?"
费洛尼:哦,我真不想这样说,而且这没有发生在镜头前,不过我想你必须假设萨瓦吉就这样继续坏下去了。他理解他兄弟对复仇的需求。他是这样一个扭曲、变态的角色。他在我们的世界里是这样一个科学怪人似的角色。 在最初的版本里,在那段全息通信里,在他们和绝地圣殿进行通信的时候,萨瓦吉和摩尔站在一起,不过我说:“如果他们两都出现的话,这就真的说不通了。”因为(绝地)还不知道他们两之间的联系。所以事实上,如果他不在图像里,他们让欧比万大吃一惊并且真正把他引出来就要可信得多。要安排好让你相信他们能把欧比万引出来是件非常困难的事。而且我必须得说,你知道,进而让绝地只派他一个人去追捕摩尔这事更说得通……你知道,我不得不设立这种貌似有理的说法,我是说,这为什么会是达斯·摩尔?这些绝地,他们看起来都相当地多疑,即使尤达相当肯定地告诉欧比万他(摩尔)回来了。不过不知怎么的,尤达通过原力听到个回音,说如果他让欧比万自己去,就意味着欧比万将不得不依仗这个可能不会再选择向光明面更靠近一步的人的帮助。所以有尤达在就总是有更大的事件发生,而确实有一件更大的事例发生了。不过如果是我管那些事中的一件,我可能会说:“有谁现在有空的,我们要去那里抓住这个人,不管他是谁。”可不管出于什么样的理由,许多故事用这种方式就常常行不通了。不过我不想说:“哦,所有人都很忙。”真的吗?“所有人都很忙?”

IGN: "Someone's over in the cafeteria. I'll go get them."

Yeah, right? "Jocasta Nu, this is your big chance!" [Laughs] "You've been waiting for this, girl!"
费洛尼:是啊,对吧?“Jocasta Nu,这是你的大好机会!”[大笑]“你就等着这个呢,姑娘!”

IGN: She has a triple-sided lightsaber!

"Yeah, we're gonna see if you can pull this off with your library card."

IGN: As exciting as it was to see Darth Maul, Ventress teaming with Obi-Wan was kind of the coolest part of it all to me, in that it was something that your whole series -- certainly the last two seasons -- have felt like it was aiming towards. Was it great to earn that moment - these two fighting alongside each other against these two awesome villains?

Yeah, it was one of my favorite moments because I think when you think back to The Clone Wars movie and what you knew about Ventress before the series, you're like, "No way would that ever happen." You just don't see that ever happening, and I think that that's where you see some really good final character development going on with someone on our show. And I think we've been working towards that for years. And really, George saying that she's going to be kicked out by Dooku was kind of the first steps of that. And now we've been able to develop her in a way where she's not really a good guy, but she's not as much a bad guy. You just don't know what she's going to do, which makes her a pretty compelling character. Nika [Futterman] has always been able to kind of infuse Ventress with a lot of interest, a lot of tongue in cheek -- I don't want to say "comedy" but definitely, she's a deceptive character, she's kind of a sexual character. She can be a funny character, and the banter between her and James Arnold Taylor has always been really good. So, I knew when we had that scene, you know, I added a couple of really bad jokes in there just to let them play off of it. And I said, "Here's some ideas. You can riff whatever you want to riff too." But the idea is that these two longtime opponents now have no choice but to mutually help each other. And it made for what I feel is some of the strongest Star Wars-esque dialogue, where they're bantering back and forth. "You're suggesting we run?" "I learned from you." I think that's a great moment, and you need the acting to pull it off and the animation. I thought it came off pretty good.
费洛尼:是啊,这是我最喜爱的时刻之一,因为我想,当你回想《克隆人战争》电影以及这个系列之前你所了解的文翠斯,你就好象:“那永远都不可能发生。”你就是从来都不会预见到这个会发生,而我认为就是这个让你看出在我们剧里某个角色身上所发生的一些真正出色的决定性的个性发展。我想我们为此已经努力工作了许多年。说真的,乔治说她会被杜库踢出去差不多就是这个发展的第一步。现在我们可以把她朝一个不算真正的好人,但也同样不算坏人的方向上发展。你就是不知道她要干什么,这让她成了一个相当引人注目的角色。Nika [Futterman]差不多总是有能力给文翠斯注入许多有趣、许多挖苦的味道——我不想说是“喜剧”味,不过可以肯定的是,她和James Arnold Taylor之间的玩笑总是非常出色。所以,当我们拍到这个场景的时候我就知道,你知道,我在里面加入了一些真正的冷笑话,就是为了让他们拿这个开玩笑。我说:“这里有些点子。你们也可以即兴重复任何你们想重复的片段。”不过这个点子是这两个长期的对手现在除了相互帮助外别无选择。而这就是为了我感觉里的那些最有星战特色的对白而撰写出来的,戏里他们来回取笑。“你在建议我们逃跑吗?”“我是从你哪儿学来的。”我认为这是个伟大的时刻,而你需要用演技还有动画(?)来圆满地完成这一幕。我想效果相当不错。

IGN: Your doesn't typically pick up storylines right after what we just saw. I know you can't probably say how quickly it'll be before we learn this, but the last time we saw Ventress, she and Obi-Wan were fleeing together. So will we find out what she did after that?

That has been discussed, the awkward car ride to wherever they go together. I actually discussed that with a writer who's doing some material in a different format, so we'll see if it turns up there. But I talked about what their motivations would be and what Obi-Wan would think. It definitely doesn't dispel the fact that she's a war criminal. So there'd be some pretty strong feelings about that. But Obi-Wan has kind of a decision to make on what to do now that they're together like that. We won't pick up with Ventress right after that moment for sure. That moment will pass, and it's probably not as thrilling as people would like to think. They just go to Starbucks and talk it out. But yeah, it definitely sets up the future, and where we go with it in Season 5, with Ventress, I think it's even more interesting. With Season 5, there's a lot more at stake I think every time our characters are on screen. It's some of our best material to date. And some really great four-part arcs are coming up.

IGN: With Maul, I felt it was a bit like you approached Boba Fett. Maul got rebuilt, he got back his sanity and focus – but he still wasn't quite Phantom Menace Maul, flipping all over the place – and he didn't have a double-sided lightsaber. Was that something else where you thought, "He can't just instantly be that badass again"?

Definitely. In my opinion, he did really well for being out of the business for about ten years. To come back in and take down Obi-Wan, leaping around on velociraptor legs, he did pretty good. It's an interesting dilemma having him on these weird legs, because he can't instantly fight in the style that you remember Maul fighting in. So Sam really had to bring it through voice and through expression of animation in the face. But there's some twists coming up for Maul, that's for sure. He's far more cunning and well-trained in how to be a Sith than people think. He's not just all about being an enforcer. He got a good education from his master, and we're going to put that into effect next season for sure.

IGN: As you mentioned, you've got Maul back while Dooku is now the new apprentice. Plus, we know Palpatine has his eyes on another potential apprentice!

Right. Too many girlfriends for Palpatine.

IGN: [Laughs] So will you have some fun playing off those dynamics of, as you say, "too many girlfriends?"

[Laughs] Yeah, that's what it feels like, right? It's a problem of riches for Palpatine, I suppose. But one wonders what he'll think of Maul. You have to ask yourself, "Does he even know yet that Maul is back? Can he sense that?" These are some of the things that we'll get more into. Palpatine is able to take, as Sidious, a more and more active role in the series as we go forward, which is something that you're going to be able to see next season in quite a big way actually.

IGN: Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn't just give you the general "Anything else you can tease about Season 5?" question.

I think that it's definitely -- it's such a cliche answer from me -- but it is the best stuff we've done. I think that the character development that you saw this season is going to pay off next season, more than it has in any other season. We introduce several ideas about Ahsoka and where she's going. Ahsoka has a huge year next year. And I think people who have been loyal to the show and have watched it since the beginning and watched this kid grow up, there are definitely things that are going to happen to her next year that change her forever as a character, relating to the other characters especially. So that's going to be a big deal. Lux Bonteri will come back. We'll bring the Death Watch back. Katee Sackhoff's character Bo-Katan comes back and has a lot more to do. Maul, obviously, will be back. It was a rough second half of the season for Obi-Wan Kenobi…
费洛尼:我想这是肯定的——我的回答真是陈词滥调——不过这是我们做过的最棒的东西。我想你们在这一季里看到的人物发展会在下一季里获得比其它季更多的收益。我们采用了几个关于阿索卡以及她去向的点子。明年是阿索卡的大年。我想对这个剧集的忠实粉丝,那些从一开始就看这个剧,看着这个孩子成长起来的观众来说,明年无疑会在她身上发生一些事,让她作为一个角色发生永远的改变,尤其是与她关连的其他角色。所以这会是个大事件。Lux Bonteri会回来。我们会让死神卫回来。Katee Sackhoff的角色Bo-Katan会回来,她有很多事情要做。摩尔,显然,会回来。这一季的下半季对欧比万·克诺比来说是个难熬的时光……

IGN: He got beat up a lot, man!

He got beat up, yeah. It's because James Arnold Taylor kept going, "There's not enough Kenobi in the beginning." Actually, no. We had animated that all! But the smackdown came. I kept telling everybody, "You guys asked for Kenobi. It's coming. He's going to be seeing double a lot."
费洛尼:对,他被痛揍了一顿。这是因为James Arnold Taylor不断说:“开头部分克诺比的戏不够多。”事实上,不是的。我们全部都动画化了(?)可是职业摔交联盟来了(??)。我不断对每个人说:“你们这些家伙要克诺比。这就来了。他会看到很多重影(??)”

IGN: Poor guy.

And to be honest, it gets worse for him. I mean Maul is just a thorn in his side. But it's good because it raises the drama. I'll tell you that Hondo Ohnaka comes back, and I like Hondo very much, played by Jim Cummings. He's probably one of our favorite characters that we created specifically for the show. George really loved Hondo, and there's some really great improvisation work by Jim. We always love having him around, and he shows up quite a bit. So there's a lot going on. Artoo has, I think, his best moment of the show coming up in that season. Everybody loves Artoo. But no more pixie dust stuff for Artoo. He's on a real mission for a change. You'll get to see that. This is pretty good spoiler stuff here!
费洛尼:而且老实说,对他来说情况变得越来越糟。我是说摩尔只是他的一根肉中刺。可这样很好,因为它增强了戏剧效果。我会告诉你Hondo Ohnaka回来了,我非常喜欢Jim Cummings扮演的Hondo Ohnaka。他也许是我们为这个剧集特别创造出来角色里最受我们喜爱的角色之一。乔治真的很喜欢Hondo,Jim有一些真正了不起的即兴表演。我们总是喜欢有他在周围,而且他露面的次数很多。所以发生了很多事。我想,这一季里有阿图在这个剧里最好的时刻。所有人都爱阿图。不过对阿图来说没有更多的精灵尘土了。为了换换口味,他执行了一次真正的任务。你们会看到的。这是个相当棒的剧透!

IGN: Yes indeed!

I've tried to be better. You know, it's the worst when you read these things, and later the fans are like, "Aw, Filoni didn't say anything again! He didn't tell us anything!" They'll probably say that. They're never happy enough. The second that Season 4 was over, all these new revelations in one season -- Maul comes back, all that stuff -- and the second it's over, "Where is the trailer for Season 5!?" You just can't get enough! But I love it. Hey, at least they want it, right? At least they're not like, "Whew, we barely made it through that. They totally jumped the Tamson when they brought Maul back." So at least there's that, and I keep promising, and I will deliver, that Star Wars Celebration VI -- if you can get down for that -- that's going to be a Clone Wars showcase for me. I feel we gain nothing by holding back at that point. We're going to show you some intense stuff. We did last time. And this time I really want to go even more all out because I think what was great about that experience was the word of mouth from fans that there was this character Savage Opress who was going to come on the show was great. The fans have proved it: we benefit, I think, from showing them really cool stuff at the convention, and I think enough people are on board that I can show you some really cool stuff at that convention. If I see you there or at Comic-Con, I'll do my best to have our best there.
费洛尼:我试图做得更好。你知道,最糟的是在你看了这些东西以后,稍后影迷们就说:“啊,费洛尼又什么都没说!他什么都没有告诉我们!”他们也许会这样说。他们永远都不会太高兴。其次,第四季结束了,这一季里所有那些新披露的信息——摩尔回来了,所有那些东西——其次这季结束了,“第五季的预告片在哪儿?!”你就是嫌不够。不过我喜欢。嘿,至少他们想看,对吧?至少他们不是说:“呦,我们差一点就让它过关了(??)。在他们复活摩尔的时候他们完全是跳到了Tamson。”所以至少有那个。而且我不断保证,我也会实现诺言,星战第六届庆典——如果你能来参加的话——对我来说那将会是一次《克隆人战争》作品展。我觉得在那个时候再有所保留是没什么好处的。我们将向你们展示一些紧张激烈的片段。上一次我们这样做过。而这一次我真的想全力以赴做得更多,因为我觉得那种经历的伟大之处就在于,影迷之间关于Savage Opress 这个角色将出现在剧集里这个事件的口口相传很棒。影迷们证明了这一点:我想,我们在庆典上向他们展示一些真正酷的片段让我们受益,而且我想有足够多的观众在线(??),我可以在庆典上向你展示一些真的很酷的东西。如果我能在那里或者在Comic-Con见到你,我会尽最大努力让我们在那里有最好的时光(?)。














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