A lumbering beast of burden favored by the Gungans of Naboo, fambaas are immense quadrupeds capable of hauling enormous cargoes. The Gungan Grand Army uses fambaas as transports for their impressive shield generators. A pair of fambaas travelling in single file each carries a necessary component for the generator to function.
The even-tempered fambaa begins life as a tiny tadpole-like hatchling, escaping from the gelatinous egg-sack in its earliest moments of life. The newborn fambaa has feathery gills that disappear with age.
Fambaas are technically amphibians, but have the dry, scaly skin of a reptile. They are immensely powerful swimmers. They travel in herds of up to 12. Fambaas have long been domesticated by the Gungans.
The original concept sketches of the fambaa were two-legged dinosaur-like creatures, lacking forelimbs like their kaadu cousins. Once the four-legged design was approved, concept artist Terryl Whitlatch developed a hand-drawn walk cycle to demonstrate to ILM animators how the animal should move.