An eopie is a stubborn beast of burden found on the planet Tatooine. This desert quadruped is renowned for its endurance, and is often pushed to the limit by the denizens of the twin-sunned world. The sure-footed mammal has pale skin, a flexible snout, and a grumpy temperament.
Young eopies are very vulnerable in the desert environment. They need to eat more frequently than their parents, and they are not as useful to farmers since they have limited strength for hauling heavy loads. Eopie babies are slow, awkward, and often fall prey to predators. It is for this reason that eopies travel in herds.
Eopies mature at six standard years, and live about 90 standard years. Once an eopie has gotten old and weak, Tatooine moisture farmers keep them handy to eat excess desert weeds that sap their crops of valuable moisture. Eopies use their long flexible snout for rooting out plants and uncovering sand lichen that grows just beneath the planet's surface. Their white skin helps reflect the searing sunlight of Tatooine.
The development of the eopie began when a two-legged beast of burden concept was transplanted from Tatooine to Naboo to become the kaadu. In the kaadu's place came the eopie design. An early Doug Chiang production painting of a kaadu hauling a Podracer engine was retouched in Photoshop so that the two-legged animal became a four-legged eopie.