外环星域 原力34
共和国币0 注册时间2011-1-17
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外环星域 原力34

本帖最后由 bckey 于 2012-7-31 13:44 编辑

"Strike quickly!"
―Jor Drakas —
Biographical information
Died 22BBY, Sarapin
死於 雅汶之戰22年前,莎立平星
Physical description
Species Twi'lek
種族 提列克人
Gender Male
性別 男性
Eye color pink
眼睛 粉紅色
Skin color white
皮膚 白色
Chronological and political information
Rise of the Empire era
Galactic Republic
Jedi Order
Jor Drakas was a male Twi'lek Jedi Knight and General during theClone Wars, who participated in two battles against the Chiss Dark Jedi Sev'rance Tann circa 22 BBY. Upon Drakas' and Tann's first encounter at the Kaer Orbital Platform—where Drakas unsuccessfully tried to prevent Tann from rebuilding the Separatist Droid Army—Tann retreated after completing her mission. However, during the battle for natural energy reserves on the Republic world ofSarapin, Tann killed Drakas.
莊.傑卡, 提列克人及絕地武士,於克隆戰爭期間成為將軍,並在雅汶之戰22年前兩次對抗奇斯黑暗絕地賽夫蘭斯.坦恩。在奇阿儲存中心, 傑卡阻止坦恩重整機械兵團, 坦恩雖完成任務,卻被迫撤退。可是,在共和國星球莎立平的能源爭奪戰中, 傑卡慘遭坦恩殺害。
Jor Drakas, a Twi'lek male, was a Jedi Knight who served theGalactic Republic as a Jedi General during the Clone Wars. Shortly after the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY, the Confederate leader CountDooku sent General Sev'rance Tann—a Chiss Dark Jedi serving the Confederacy—to the abandoned Confederate base at Kaer Orbital Platform. There, Tann was assigned to rebuild the Separatist Droid Army in secret from the Republic. However, Tann's operation was discovered, and Drakas soon led a task force of clone troopers against Tann. After their Acclamator-class assault ship landed on the platform, Drakas' troops established a base of operations and began making raids on Tann's territory. After several small skirmishes, Tann chose to retreat, but not before finishing the construction of a considerable amount of droids.
莊.傑卡, 提列克人及絕地武士,於克隆戰爭期間成為將軍。雅汶之戰的22年前,吉諾西斯之戰爆發後不久, 杜庫伯爵命奇斯黑暗絕地賽夫蘭斯.坦恩前往奇阿儲存中心的廢棄基地,以重整機械兵團。可是坦恩的行動給共和國發現,並由傑卡率領一隊克隆士兵前往阻止。使用“欢呼者级”突击舰抵達奇阿儲存中心後, 傑卡破壞了坦恩的基地,而且開始始注意她的行動。在一連串小衝突後, 坦恩被迫撤退,然而她已取得足夠數量的機械兵。
Drakas was then assigned to guard the Republic energy world of Sarapin after it became known that the Separatists would attempt to secure Sarapin's natural energy reserves. On Sarapin, Drakas occupied the Citadellocated on Mount Corvast, the planet's capital.
It was not long before Tann's forces approached Sarapin, destroyed orbital defenses and landed on the planet. Using the stolen Republic Decimator technology—a ground vehicle equipped with a powerful laser—Tannoverwhelmed Mount Corvast and destroyed the Citadel. Drakas survived its destruction and attacked Tann with hislightsaber. However, he was quickly slain by the Chiss general. With Drakas' death, Sarapin fell into the hands of the Confederacy.
坦恩迅速瓦解共和國的防衛系統,並兵臨城下。在死光機的幫助下,她輕易取下莎立平的首都。傑卡幸而存活,並和坦恩以死相併,可是他技不如人,死於坦恩的光劍之下。他死後, 莎立平隨即落入分離勢力之手。
Sarapin, however, was soon recaptured, thanks to the efforts of the Jedi Knight Echuu Shen-Jon. Shen-Jon was responsible for Tann's death later on, when he killed her on the planet Krant.
幸而, 絕地武士艾丘島 善-忠隨後又再光復莎立平星。不久後,坦恩也在雅特星上死於善-忠之手。
Personality and traits
"Count Dooku, Mt. Corvast is in ruins and the energy stores are ours! I've also dispatched of the pathetic Jedi, Jor Drakas."
―Sev'rance Tann reports to Count Dooku following the Battle of Sarapin
「杜庫伯爵, 霍特斯山已成廢墟,它的能源是我們的了!我也解決了那可悲的絕地武士, 莊.傑卡。」
莎立平之戰後, 坦恩向杜庫伯爵報告
Jor Drakas possessed a yellow-bladed lightsaber. In her report to Count Dooku, Sev'rance Tann held little respect for Drakas, calling him "pathetic."
Behind the scenes
Jor Drakas' only appearance in Star Wars canon is in the 2002 LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns, the expansion pack for the real-time strategy Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. In the game, he was voiced by Nick Jameson.[2] Drakas was also referenced in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, written by Steve Sansweet and Pablo Hidalgo.
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns (First appearance)
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. I ("Drakas, Jor")
Notes and references
1. ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns
2. ↑ Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds at the Internet Movie Database
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