版主 原力183
共和国币0 注册时间2009-6-30
在线时间406 小时
版主 原力183
aweng 发表于 2012-4-2 13:50
Still in safekeeping on Aborah were texts and holocrons that recounted the deeds and abilities of Sith Masters who, so it was said and written, had been able to summon wind or rain or fracture the skies with conjured lightning. In their own words or those of their disciples, a few Dark Lords claimed to have had the ability to fly, become invisible, or transport themselves through space and time. But Plagueis had never succeeded in duplicating any of those phenomena.
From the start Tenebrous had told him that he lacked the talent for Sith sorcery, even though the inability hadn't owed to a deficiency of midi-chlorians. It's an innate gift, the Bith would say when pressed, and one that he had lacked, as well. Sorcery paled in comparison with Bith science, regardless. But Plagueis now understood that Tenebrous had been wrong about sorcery, as he had been wrong about so many things.
= = 官方设定里,曾经的“原力不能飞行”一说——已经成为历史了:
a few Dark Lords claimed to 【have had the ability to fly】, become invisible, or transport themselves through space and time. |