副管理员 原力743
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-7
在线时间865 小时
副管理员 原力743
Stormtrooper Corps
The Imperial Stormtrooper Corps was a branch of the Imperial Military that was not under the control of the Imperial Army, Imperial Navy, or Imperial Intelligence but operated alongside those groups. Like the Emperor's Royal Guard, it was under the direct control of the Emperor, and was commanded by Stormtrooper Command.
帝国冲锋队(Imperial Stormtrooper Corps)是帝国武装力量(Imperial Military)的一支,它独立于帝国陆军、帝国海军和帝国情报局之外,在建制上与这三者平行。他们和皇家卫队(Emperor's Royal Guard)一样直接听从皇帝调遣,指挥中心是冲锋队司令部(Stormtrooper Command)。
[A squad of stormtroopers in the subjugation of Bespin]
The Stormtrooper Corps was the successor of the Grand Army of the Republic of the Galactic Republic. During the time of the Republic, clone shock troopers were already being referred to as "stormtroopers," and the usage was passed on to several other high-ranking clone units, notably the 501st Legion, immediately after the Declaration of a New Order. Another notable unit of the Corps were the 105th Stormtrooper Platoon.
冲锋队是银河共和国大共和军的取代者。早在共和国时期,克隆人突击部队就被称作“冲锋队(stormtroopers)”,在新秩序宣布后,这个名称被立刻用于其他几支高级克隆人部队,其中就有著名的501军团。其他著名的冲锋队部队(the Corps)还包括105冲锋排(105th Stormtrooper Platoon)。
For approximately ten years after the birth of the New Order, the Empire's elite Stormtrooper Corps remained as the exclusive province of Jango Fett's clone progeny. But after the "unofficial" events of the Battle of Kamino, in which a special detachment of the Imperial 501st was required to annihilate an army of rogue clones (referred to as Anti-troopers), the ranks of the stormtroopers would start including new clones from different genetic templates and even non-clone recruits/conscripts. By the time the first Death Star was complete, the Fett clones had become a minority in the very army they once filled as a whole.
Members of the Corps were chosen for their dedication, bravery, and intelligence, becoming indoctrinated in the tenets of the New Order and becoming graduates of difficult and prestigious military academies such as the Academy of Carida. Others were specially-trained clones. The Corps suffered heavy losses during the Galactic Civil War, to the point of them being incredibly rare by 22 ABY.
冲锋队的士兵都经过严格筛选。他们必须无比忠诚、智勇双全,接受新秩序的教条灌输,再从卡里达军校(the Academy of Carida)等严苛而光荣的军校毕业。另有一些冲锋队员是经过特训的克隆人。冲锋队在银河内战期间遭受巨大伤亡,到22ABY(即雅文战役后22年),人数就已十分稀少。
By 130 ABY, the Corps had apparently been disbanded; the stormtroopers becoming part of the Army. However, the individual stormtrooper units (such as the 501st and the 407th Stormtrooper Division) remained in existence and were still considered elite shock units by the New Galactic Empire.
Stormtrooper Command
Strategic Insertion battalion
The Strategic Insertion battalion was a special, lethal, Imperial stormtrooper organization used for infiltration and deployment against hostile targets without them knowing to gain the element of surprise. In this way they were similar to Storm Commandos but would actually operate out of uniform, unusual for storm troopers.
战略渗透大队是致命的特种帝国冲锋队组织。其任务是渗透潜入敌对目标,出奇制胜。在这方面,他们类似冲锋突击队(Storm Commando),但执行任务时不穿制服,这对于突击部队来说很特殊。
The Stormtrooper Corps is roughly analogous to the following real-world organizations:
The Waffen-SS was a praetorian guard created by Nazi Germany's leader Adolf Hitler, which was separate from the Wehrmacht.
The U.S. Marine Corps is an elite, semi-autonomous force that fights alongside the other branches of the armed forces, responsible for strategic amphibious assaults and boarding actions.
The later Legacy-era stormtrooper forces are more comparable to the real-world U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division in that they have become an elite form of infantry as an integral and subordinate part of the Imperial Army command structure. The 501st, on the other hand, was more semi-autonomous, similar to the U.S. Marine Corps functioning as the Emperor's praetorian guard alongside the Imperial Knights.
晚些时候,即传承时期的冲锋队更类似于真实世界的美国陆军82空降师,因为他们已经从属于帝国陆军指挥系统,成为陆军中的精锐步兵。而更为半自主的501军团,类似于美国海军陆战队,与帝国武士(Imperial Knights)并肩担任近卫军职责。
原文网址: starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Stormtrooper_Corps
原稿采集日较早,本版本根据2009年8月24日资料稍作修改后发布。 |