副管理员 原力743
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副管理员 原力743
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杀灭克隆人和绝地的利器:韦尔派恩碎裂枪(Verpine shatter gun)

类型 磁性加速武器 Magnetic accelerator weapon
发明者 韦尔派恩人
价格 15,000+ 共和国/帝国币
小型 重1 kg
Verpine shatter guns were handheld projectile weapons produced by the Verpine. They ranged in size from small handguns to powerful sniper rifles. The weapon was based on a magnetic coil principle, similar to a rail gun. When shot, the weapon would make no sound, but would cause great kinetic damage.
韦尔派恩碎裂枪(Verpine shatter gun)是由韦尔派恩人(Verpine)制造的手持式射弹武器。其尺寸小至手枪,大至狙击枪,不一而足。这种武器基于磁性线圈加速原理,类似电磁枪炮。发射时,武器不会发出声响,但却会造成极大的动能伤害。
Shatter guns launched metal alloy projectiles using advanced magnetic coils. They were nearly silent, had excellent range and accuracy, and inflicted extremely large amounts of kinetic damage. Verpine shatter guns were easy to use, and an inexperienced gunman could do massive damage with a single projectile. As such they were sometimes favored by Assassins who wanted to make sure that one shot brought down the target without giving away his or her location.
Because of the weapon's reliance on metal alloy projectiles, the number of rounds able to be held by the weapon was somewhat limited. Usually 8 shots could be fired before the weapon needed to be reloaded.
The weapon's projectiles were nearly impossible to block with a lightsaber due to their small size and extreme speed. Thanks to this, even a Force sensitive would be at a disadvantage.
The Killiks, another insectoid species, used large numbers of these weapons.
Shatter guns could be configured for range, making them a very effective sniper or could be built as a pistol. This Weapon was also used by Ghez Hokan and Kal Skirata.
碎裂枪射程可调,可以作为非常优秀的狙击枪,也可以作为手枪使用。这种武器的使用者还包括盖兹·霍坎(Ghez Hokan)*和卡尔·斯基拉塔(Kal Skirata)**。
盖兹·霍坎*:落魄的曼达洛雇佣兵,受雇于分离势力保卫一座研究克隆人病毒实验室。后来实验室被共和国特种作战旅克隆人突击队的欧米伽(Omega)小队捣毁,霍坎亦被带队的绝地学徒埃泰恩·图尔-穆坎(Etain Tur-Mukan)斩首。

由詹戈·费特征募到卡米诺的曼达洛教官。其家庭破裂,妻离子散,卡米诺的克隆人便成了他的孩子们。他亲手训练了包括零级ARC突击队和欧米伽小队大部分成员在内的大量克隆人士兵。零级ARC突击队原本即将被卡米诺人作为次品销毁,但经卡尔力保得救。他们长大以后遂只听命于卡尔,实质上成为其私人军队。 |