管理员 原力10564
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5802 小时
管理员 原力10564
Var-Shaa 瓦尔-沙
Var-Shaa is a resource-rich planet in the Mid Rim known for its massive fjordlands and orbiting Imperial dockyard. Once a pivotal waypoint for the Imperial Navy at the height of its power, after the Battle of Endor, the Var-Shaa dockyard fell to a surprise attack by the New Republic, despite a valiant defense by the ISD Overseer and Titan Squadron.
瓦尔-沙是一颗资源丰富的行星,位于中环,以大片峡湾和绕轨运行的帝国造船厂而闻名。在帝国如日中天的时代,瓦尔-沙造船厂是帝国海军的重要航点。恩多战役后,新共和国奇袭瓦尔-沙造船厂,但遭到帝国歼星舰“监察长号”与泰坦中队的英勇抵抗。 |