外环星域 原力39
共和国币0 注册时间2009-5-22
在线时间466 小时

外环星域 原力39

本帖最后由 flyceit 于 2010-2-21 18:28 编辑
Satine Kryze
Biographical information
Homeworld Kalevala[1]
Physical description
Gender Female[1]
Hair color Blond
Eye color Blue
Chronological and political information
Era(s) Rise of the Empire era[1]
Affiliation New Mandalorians[2]
Galactic Republic[1]
Council of Neutral Systems
发色: 金色
眼睛: 蓝色
阵营: 新曼达洛
"I remember a time when Jedi were not generals, but peacekeepers."
―Satine Kryze Listen (help·info)[src]
Satine Kryze was the pacifist Duchess of Mandalore, head of the New Mandalorians
and leader of the Council of Neutral Systems during the Clone Wars.
1 Biography
1.1 Early life
1.2 Search for the Death Watch
1.3 Making a Discovery
1.4 Aboard the Coronet
2 Personality and Traits
3 Behind the scenes
4 Appearances
5 Sources
6 Notes and references
7 External links
1 传记
1.1 早年经历
1.2 搜索死神卫
1.3 发现
1.4 冠冕号
2 个性与特点
3 幕后
4 出场
5 来源
6 注释与参考
7 连接
"I'll take care of this, Obi-Wan. You, go find
your girlfriend."
"Right.… No! Anakin! She's not my…"
―Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, about Satine Listen (help·info)[src]
------阿纳金 天行者与欧比旺 克诺比关于莎廷的对话。
At some point, Satine had a relationship with Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, but
they eventually broke it off to concentrate on their respective jobs as
peacekeepers.[1] Satine was a staunch pacifist and led the New Mandalorians, a
reformist political faction on the planet Kalevala. Eventually, Satine became
the Duchess of Mandalore, however, her pacifist government was opposed by a
group of militarists she thought to be 'hooligans', known as Death Watch. [2]
Duchess Satine and several other Mandalorian officials worked to root out the
Death Watch, and eventually ascertained that they were based on Mandalore's moon
of Concordia.[3]
莎廷与绝地骑士欧比旺 克诺比在过去曾有过一段感情,但两人最终将其中断,转而专注于各自受人尊敬的和平守护者使命。 她是一个坚定的和平主义者,领导着位于卡莱瓦拉星球上的政治改革集团新曼达洛。最终,莎廷成为了曼达洛女公爵,然而她的和平主义政府受到了一群她认为是“暴徒”,以死神卫为名的武装人员的反对,并最终得知这些人以曼达洛的卫星康克迪亚为大本营。
[edit] Search for the Death Watch
"But why target me?"
"You lead the Council of Neutral Systems, thus you threaten the Separatists'
goals. Take it as a compliment. Someone very powerful is working towards your
―Satine Kryze and Pre Vizsla — Listen (file info)[src]
-----莎廷 克里泽与维兹拉的对话
With the outbreak of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the
Confederacy of Independent Systems, Satine formed and led a political
organization known as the Council of Neutral Systems that spoke for one and a
half thousand systems that sought to stay out of the devastating conflict.
However, the pacifist stance adopted by the Duchess caused an increase in
terrorist activity performed by the Death Watch, who felt she disrespected the
ancestral warrior ways of the Mandalorians, whilst rumors reached the Galactic
Senate that she was raising an army to help fight on the behalf of the
With the outbreak of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the
Confederacy of Independent Systems, Satine formed and led a political
organization known as the Council of Neutral Systems that spoke for one and a
half thousand systems that sought to stay out of the devastating conflict.
However, the pacifist stance adopted by the Duchess caused an increase in
terrorist activity performed by the Death Watch, who felt she disrespected the
ancestral warrior ways of the Mandalorians, whilst rumors reached the Galactic
Senate that she was raising an army to help fight on the behalf of the
To investigate these rumors of sedition, Obi-Wan Kenobi, now a Jedi Master, was
sent to Mandalore by the Jedi High Council. She greeted Obi-Wan, and promptly
invited him on a walk through the capital city of Sundari. They then expressed
their happiness at seeing each other again. While they debated about what a
peacekeeper was, a member of the Death Watch blew up a memorial shrine. After
that, Obi-Wan decided it wasn't safe there. However, when the member of Death
Watch attempted to flee, Obi-Wan pursued. Satine reached the two in time to see
the member of Death Watch throw himself over a railing. She spoke to the man,
and when Obi-Wan reminded her he was innocent, she remarked that was why she was
still talking to him.
为调查这些有关叛乱的谣言,现在已经成为绝地大师的欧比旺 克诺比,受绝地最高委员会的派遣前往曼达洛。莎廷迎接了欧比旺,并马上邀请他在首都桑达瑞参观。两人各自倾诉了重逢的喜悦。正当他们争论什么才是和平守护者时,一名死神卫成员对一处圣地实施了爆炸,随后,欧比旺意识到此地并不安全。尽管如此,当该人试图逃脱时,欧比王紧步而追。当死神卫杀手自杀坠地时,莎廷及时赶到。她与该人交谈,当欧比王强调自己在此事中清白时,莎廷到这就是她还搭理欧比旺的原因。
They then traveled to Concordia and when Obi-Wan decided to open an
investigation in the mines, that were supposedly abandoned but, she opposed his
move. Satine and Obi-Wan were greeted in the hanger of a Concordian governmental
complex by Governor Pre Vizsla and a few of his guards. Vizsla left his guards
to take care of the bomber, while he and Satine wrote the family a letter of
condolence on his datapad. Obi-Wan then handed the Duchess a small ear comlink
and departed on a small speeder bike. While the Jedi began his investigation,
Vizsla questioned where he had gone but Satine replied that he was "meditating".
After receiving refreshments, Duchess Kryze began to discuss with Governor
Vizsla that someone was misinforming the Republic that the Death Watch was
"taking over Mandalore". She also discussed that an external force had to be
assisting the renegade group. Vizsla began to speculate that such a force had to
be "among the highest influence" in the Separatist Alliance. He then joked that
a powerful being working towards the down-fall of Kryze was a compliment.
两人接着赶赴康克迪亚,当欧比旺提出打算调查那些认为已经废弃的矿山时,莎廷反对他这么做。两人抵达时,总督维兹拉和他手下一群卫兵迎接他们。维兹拉留下他的卫兵处理事宜 ,当他和莎廷在他的数据本上给死者家属写吊唁信时,欧比旺递给萨缇一个小型耳部通信链,还开走了一辆小型摩托。当欧比旺开始进行调查时,维兹拉打听他的位置,而莎廷却说欧比王“正在调停”。在茶点端上后,女公爵与维兹拉总督开始就有人向共和国误报死神卫要“颠覆曼达洛”一事进行讨论。她也提到有其他势力正在帮助这支叛军。维兹拉则猜测这股势力在分离阵营中“身居高位”。接着,他开玩笑说有这么一股强大势力正在颠覆女公爵,这对她真是个恭维。
Making a Discovery
"We'll have to stand and fight. Or in your case,
just stand."
―Obi-Wan to Satine[src]
While Satine was occupied, Obi-Wan reached the mines he was searching for. He
entered one to discover that it was being used to create Mandalorian armor and
jetpacks for the Death Watch. Two warriors noticed and apprehended him. He was
then put onto a conveyor belt that led to a rock crushing machine. He called
Satine on a comlink when he was about to be crushed by the machine in the mines.
She hurried to him, and shut down the machine just before he was crushed. The
two Death Watch members returned and began to attack the Duchess. Obi-Wan
quickly disabled them with the Force. The two of them then took a service
elevator to the surface of the moon. They continue to struggle with more Death
Watch members until the leader confronted Satine and Kenobi. She then found out
her governor was a leader of the Death Watch. Satine then helped Obi-Wan defeat
a few terrorists. The Duchess then watched as Vizsla and Obi-Wan fought in a
lightsaber duel. As Obi-Wan gained the upper hand, Vizsla ordered his men to
fire the missiles from their jetpacks. The Jedi and Duchess jumped down an
elevator shaft and safely got away. The next day, Obi-Wan is still convinced the
Separatists are backing the Death Watch but Satine disagrees. Satine snapped at
him for suggesting that peace may not be an option. Satine, along with her Jedi
escort, then left for the Capital of the Republic to make her position known
that she does not want the Republic affiliated with Mandalore's affairs. [3]
Aboard the Coronet
"Senators, I presume you are acquainted with the
collection of half-truths and hyperbole known as Obi-Wan Kenobi?"
―Duchess Satine on Obi-Wan Kenobi[src]
"参议员,我冒昧的认为你了解这个一半真实,一半夸张的,叫欧比旺 克诺比的混合体."
------女公爵莎廷 克里泽当着欧比王 克诺比的面如事说
After the discovery of the Death Watch, Satine Kryze, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin
Skywalker, and numerous clones left Mandalore onboard the Coronet for the planet
of Coruscant. Shortly after entering Hyperspace, the Duchess called up Anakin
and Obi-Wan to her throne room. Once they arrived, Satine began to verbally
sparr with Obi-Wan about how she finds the notation of fighting for peace
distasteful. As the discussion became more and more heated, Satine dropped it as
dinner was prepared.
当发现死神卫后,莎廷 克里泽,欧比旺 克诺比,阿纳金 天行者,以及许多克隆兵登上冠冕号离开曼达洛前往科洛桑。当他们进入超空间后不久,女公爵要求阿纳金与欧比王前往她的舱室。等他们一到,莎廷就开始与欧比旺逐字逐句的就她是如何发现为和平而战那套说辞叫人厌恶而展开了争吵,当争论变的越加白热化时,她以晚餐已经准备好为遁词离开。
During dinner an Assassin probe droid burst into the room and began to attack
the guards. Obi-Wan quickly disabled the droid but it relased smaller assassin
droids. Satine then pulled out a small droid deactivator and began to blast at
the tiny droids. They destroyed all but one of the droids which Kenobi hatched a
plan to expose who activated the assasin probes. He put the small droid under a
lid and began to walk around the table. The droid began to jump at the Duchess
and the Senators in the room but stood still for it's master Senator Tal Merrik.
Merrik then drew ablasterand held up Satine as a hostage.
晚餐时,一个暗杀侦察机器人破门而入,开始攻击卫兵。欧比旺立刻就干掉了那个机器人,但那家伙却放出更小型的刺杀机器人。莎廷掏出一把小型机器阻止器,开始对那些小机器人一一点名。他们击毁了所有机器人,但留下了一个,欧比王想通过这个揭露出谁是启动这些暗杀机器人的幕后主使。他把这个小型机器人放进箱子里开始绕着桌子走。机器人扑向女公爵和房间里的参议员,这东西依然为它的主子参议员 塔尔 梅里克效劳。梅里克掏出爆能枪,把莎廷扣为人质。
Merrik preceded up to the bridge of the Coronet and killed all of the crew at
their stations. Kenobi then radioed Anakin who was preoccupied with a third
droid. The Coronet then dropped out of hyperspace and Merrik called three
Droch-class boarding ships loaded with B2 super battle droids. Anakin and the
clones attacked and destroyed the droids. Meanwhile, the Jedi Master confronted
Merrik on the bridge who had wired the engines to explode. Satine began to beg
Obi-Wan not to risk anymore lives on her behalf. Merrik began to back down the
corridors of the ship with Kenobi waiting for an opening. Duchess Kryze then
professed her love for Obi-Wan, which he expressed too.
Merrik let his guard down at the statements of love which Satine used to her
advantage and slammed her heel into his foot. While Merrik was in pain, she
grabbed his blaster and pointed it at him with her trembling finger on the
trigger. Merrik then began to say that in Satine killed him, she would be a
hypocrite and undermine her pacifist ideals. Obi-Wan began to move in but Merrik
proved him to be a cold-blooded killer in the eyes of the woman he loves. Merrik
then was killed by a stab from the back by Skywalker who stated that he killed a
bomber set to destroy the ship. The Coronet then landed on Coruscant and the
senators, along with the Duchess, met with Chancellor Palpatine.
Personality and Traits
"War is intolerable. We have been deceived into thinking that we must be a part of it. I say the moment we committed to fighting, we already lost."
―Duchess Satine Kryze — Listen (file info)[src]
Duchess Satine Kryze was a staunch pacifist who would not commit to war as she found fighting for peace to be distasteful and contradicting. She was devoted to peace and was opposed to the Death Watch, the War, and even some of the Jedi's beliefs.[2] Though she was a pacifist, she was not afraid to defend herself, carrying a small deactivator on her body.[4] Satine believed that if you brought a weapon to negotiations, you did not want peace. These beliefs upset Satine that the Jedi had let themselves be drawn into the war, because it was everything they were supposed to be against.[5]
坚定的和平主义者莎廷 克里泽女公爵不会轻言武力,因为她发现为和平而战是使人厌恶且自相矛盾的。她本人致力于和平,反对死神卫,战争,甚至是绝地的某些信条-尽管她本人是个和平主义这。女公爵决不畏惧保护自己,总是随身携带一把小型抑制器。莎廷坚信如果携带武器去谈判,那就不要再指望和平。这些信念使她对绝地投身战争备感困绕------因为这本该是他们该反对的。
Behind the scenes
"Satine's a formidable woman in all regards -- extremely intelligent, incorruptible, passionate and beautiful, with a great devotion to peace. She might come off as stuffy, but that is because she knows she's in a den of wolves and must appear powerful and unshakable,"
―Series Writer Henry Gilroy on Satine[src]
Duchess Satine Kryze was based on an illistration of Queen Padmé Amidala by Ian McCaig and her gaurds
were a Sith concept also by McCaig. Satine Kryze was portrayed by Anna Graves.
-系列剧编剧亨利 吉尔罗伊谈及莎廷
女公爵莎廷 克里泽这一角色基于由伊安 麦凯格所创作的一张帕德梅 阿梅德拉的设计图而创作。而她的侍卫是一个西斯的构想同样由麦凯格提出。安娜 格雷夫斯/Anna Graves为莎廷 克里泽配音。
[edit] Appearances Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Mandalore Plot" (First
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Voyage of Temptation"
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Duchess of Mandalore"
星球大战: 克隆战争---“曼达洛阴谋” 首次登场
星球大战: 克隆战争---“诱惑之旅”
星球大战: 克隆战争---“曼达洛女公爵”
[edit] Sources
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (First mentioned as Satine)
The Art of Star Wars: The Clone Wars
The Essential Atlas
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes (Nintendo DS edition in-game
Star Wars Insider 115
The Clone Wars Episode Guide: The Mandalore Plot on StarWars.com (backup link
on Archive.org) (First identified as Kryze)
Mysterious Mandalorians Revealed! on StarWars.com (backup link on
The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Voyage of Temptation on StarWars.com (backup
link on Archive.org)
星球大战百科全书 首次被作为莎廷提及。
克隆战争剧情导读 曼达洛阴谋 STARWARS.COM
克隆战争剧情导读 诱惑之旅 STARWARS.COM
[edit] Notes and references↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 The Complete Star Wars
↑ 2.0 2.1 The Essential Atlas
↑ 3.0 3.1 Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Mandalore Plot"
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 星球大战百科全书
↑ 2.0 2.1 星图
↑ 3.0 3.1 Star Wars: 克隆战争 曼达洛阴谋
[edit] External links The Clone Wars Season Two Trailer on StarWars.com
(backup link on Archive.org)
The Official Star Wars Blog » Report from the Star Wars Spectacular 2009 |